
August 2024 News

Aug 15

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota (LSS) is pleased to announce that it has achieved Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation from CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership. This prestigious accomplishment demonstrates that LSS is aligning with some of the highest standards in the human services field. Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation recognizes the organization’s implementation of person-centered practices that have a significant impact on the lives of individuals with disabilities.

Aug 14

A new early learning center will open in September on St. Paul’s East Side that will offer an extra measure of support to parents and additional care and attention in the classroom to empower children to be successful in the learning and social environment of a school. 

July 2024 News

Jul 15

Avery Morkert first came to Camp Knutson in 2017 to participate in a camp for kids with skin conditions through the American Association of Dermatology’s Camp Discovery, one of Camp Knutson's partner groups. Having had an amazing experience as a camper, she now returns as camp staff in the summer. “This is my dream job,” Morkert said. “My parents say that they see the happiest version of me while I’m here. Camp Knutson is the best place on earth, and everyone should know about it,” she said.

Jul 1

Minnesota law regarding original birth records for adult adoptees changed effective July 1, 2024. The new law allows adult adoptees access to original birth records and affidavits of nondisclosure signed by birth parents became invalid.  Lutheran Social Service and Children's Home, partners in Adoption, have established a new Openness Consultation Service to help those impacted by this new law to navigate changes.

June 2024 News