Youth Homelessness
Safe House Emergency Youth Shelter (Twin Cities)

Safe House Emergency Shelter for Youth

We create a welcoming and supportive environment for youth, where they feel respected and heard.

Safe House is an emergency shelter for youth ages 16-20 years old. We serve six youth a night in a single-family home in a quiet Saint Paul neighborhood.

While at Safe House, youth have a safe place to stay, nourishing meals, caring employees and active support from a case manager to help them secure long term housing and meet basic needs. Safe House provides a welcoming environment for youth of all genders, races, sexual orientations, nationalities and religions.

Need a safe place to stay tonight?

Visit the Youth Services Network Minnesota (YSNMN) website for the latest information on open beds at Safe House and other youth shelters in the Twin Cities. If you have any questions, please call Safe House at 651.644.3446 from 10 a.m.-8 p.m.

More information about LSS services for youth in the Twin Cities