Senior Companion Services Contacts in North Dakota

Senior Companion services are available throughout North Dakota. For more information about Senior Companion Services, please contact the LSS coordinator in your area.
A. Western ND
Sonja Mickelson
[email protected]
Serving counties: Bottineau, Burke, Divide McHenry, McKenzie, McLean, Mercer, Mountrail, Pierce, Renville, Rolette, Sheridan, Ward, Wells, and Williams.
B. Southwestern ND
Shannon Nash
[email protected]
Serving counties: Adams, Billings, Bowman, Burleigh, Dunn, Emmons, Golden Valley, Grant, Hettinger, Kidder, McIntosh, Morton, Oliver, Sioux, Slope, and Stark.
C. Northeastern ND
Michelle Griffin
[email protected]
Serving counties: Benson, Cavalier, Eddy, Foster, Grand Forks, Griggs, Nelson, Pembina, Pierce, Ramsey, Stutsman, Towner, and Walsh.
D. Southeastern ND
Justine Irakiza
[email protected]
Serving counties: Barnes, Cass, Dickey, Lamoure, Logan, McIntosh, Ransom, Richland, Sargent, Traill and Steele.