Youth & Young Adults
Youth & Confirmation Groups

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Youth & Confirmation Groups

A powerful component of prevention is connecting directly with youth, to help them navigate the influences of culture and society, and have a safe space to talk about these topics in our churches.

We believe the church has a significant role to play in educating and equipping youth to make safe and healthy choices in relationships.

Presentations & Training

  • Introduction to Exploitation and Trafficking — This presentation helps young people understand how exploitation occurs, recognize red flags in relationships and how to stay safe both online and in person. It includes videos and discussion. The video and youth discussion questions can be provided to your church youth leader, or Cherish All Children can lead it if you are in a Minnesota church.
  • Youth & Parent/Caregiver Presentation — This interactive presentation engages youth and their parents or caregivers in conversation about staying safe in both online and in-person relationships. We learn about sexual exploitation, understanding healthy vs. unhealthy relationships, red flags, vulnerabilities, and online safety measures.
  • Safe and Healthy Relationships Youth and Leader's Guides — This four-session guide is designed for middle school and high school youth groups to support them in gaining lifelong skills in both online and in-person relationships. The leader's guide provides detailed instructions for youth leaders, pastors or other church leaders to facilitate these four sessions. Cherish All Children is also available to support you in leading these sessions.

Contact us to schedule a training.

Visit to find nationwide resources for parents, caregivers and youth, an online safety guide and more.

Engage Youth in Action

  • Youth group in front of brick wall mural Watch a film together and discuss how youth in your community experience these challenges in their lives, and what actions they might take to make a difference. Access The Mask You Live In, MissRepresentation, Screenagers, and more in our Prevention Links section.
  • Race in the annual Cherish All Children 5K, or go to other local events together such as theater companies performing on this topic, or other activities that engage young people.
  • Host a social media safety training for youth and parents to come together.
  • Volunteer with an anti-trafficking organization or an organization supporting youth experiencing homelessness or other risk factors that may lead to exploitation. View LSS youth services volunteer opportunities
  • Hold a Cherish All Children fundraiser as a youth group.

We are so excited to partner with you to support raising healthy generations!