Ways to Get Involved
There are many ways you can make a direct difference and positively impact the life of refugee families.
Advocacy Opportunities
There are many challenges that refugees face once they arrive in the United States. One of the most impactful things community members can do is learn more about the policies that are creating these challenges, and advocate for change. For more information, reach out to our LSS Advocacy office.
Donation Opportunities
Organizations like LSS rely on volunteers and philanthropic support to carry out this work. Congregations, businesses, foundations, civic groups and community volunteers all play a vital role in helping us carry out our mission to inspire hope, change lives and build community. Please make a contribution today to help a refugee family.
Target Registry
Employer Opportunities
A study by the Fiscal Policy Institute and Tent Partnership reports that three-quarters of refugees stay longer on the than other employees. When refugees have good experiences with employers, they also tell their friends - opening the door to other workers and recruitment opportunities. If you are an employer interested in connecting with the LSS Refugee Services Employment team, please fill out the Contact Us form below to start the conversation.
Property Owner Opportunities
Want to rent out your space to a refugee? Finding stable housing is a critical aspect of the work we do when a refugee first arrives and is one of the first keys to moving towards self-sufficiency in the United States. To learn more about what you could expect, check out the Refugee Housing Solutions Landlord Toolkit. We also invite you to reach out via the Contact Us form below and you'll be connected with our Refugee Services Housing Case Mangement team. If you'd like us to consider one of your spaces, please include the cost, location and when it is available.
Thrivent Action Teams
If you or someone on your volunteer team is a Thrivent Financial member, you can apply for a $250 Community Impact Card through Thrivent Financial that you can use to support our work with refugees! To be eligible, you are invited to lead a volunteer team in a one-time fundraiser, service activity or educational event that can be completed within 90 days. Learn more.
Moo Na thought she would spend the rest of her life inside the refugee camp, a settlement of bamboo homes made from bamboo trees and tea leaves, and where food distribution was carefully rationed. After nearly two decades, she and her husband, whom she met as a child in the refugee camp, received, what she calls, the happiest news of their lives: their family had been chosen to be resettled in the United States of America. Read their story.