Youth & Young Adults
Prevention Links

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Prevention Resources & Links 

Books & Reports

Renting Lacy: A Story of America’s Prostituted Children, by Linda Smith

Girls Like Us: Fighting for a World Where Girls are Not for Sale, by Rachel Lloyd

Faraway: A Suburban Boy’s Story as a Victim of Sex Trafficking, by R. K. Kline and Daniel D. Maurer

Breaking Out of the “Man Box”: The Next Generation of Manhood, by Tony Porter

I Can Play it Safe, by Alison Feigh and Laura Logan (2008)

ELCA Social Message on Commercial Sexual Exploitation (2001)

ELCA Social Message on Gender-based Violence (2015)

ELCA Social Message on Faith, Sexism, and Justice: A Call to Action (2019)

Mapping the Demand: Sex Buyers in Minnesota (Executive Summary), 2017, University of MN Urban Research and Outreach Engagement Center. This report seeks to deepen our understanding of those who pay for sex in Minnesota, to provide empirical evidence to support policy and action.

Mapping the Market for Sex with Trafficked Minor Girls in Minneapolis (Executive Summary), 2014, University of Minnesota Urban Research and Outreach Engagement Center and Othayonih Research. This report reveals the who, where and how aspects of juvenile sex trafficking in order to prevent and protect youth.

The Life Story: Moments of Change shares the voices of survivors of sexual exploitation. It reveals opportunities we all have to step in and address the root causes of poverty, violence, discrimination and system failures, and invites us to explore changes that create a better world. 


Consider hosting a community screening of one of these films to work toward positive change in your area.

Chosen – The true story of teens who faced real-life encounters with trafficking and resources to spread awareness and take action. Cherish All Children has DVDs available to loan out, along with discussion questions for youth or adult groups.

Screenagers documentary viewing at a churchI am Jane Doe – A documentary of the epic battle that several American mothers had on behalf of their middle school daughters, victims of sex trafficking on and the call to action to shut down this form of classified ads.

Misrepresentation – A documentary exploring how the media sells young people the idea that girls’ and women's value lies in their youth, beauty and sexuality and not in their capacity as leaders. A part of the Representation Project from director, Jennifer Siebel Newsom.

The Mask You Live In – A documentary that follows boys and young men as they negotiate society's narrow definition of masculinity, and how we can raise a healthier generation. A part of the Representation Project from director, Jennifer Siebel Newsom. Host a community screening complete with discussion guide.

Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age – A documentary for teens and parents to look at the struggles and vulnerabilities created with phones, social media and video gaming, and how we can help kids navigate the digital world. Host a screening with parent-child-community discussion.

Online Safety & Talking about Pornography

Netsmartz – Interactive online resources, games and safety tips that provides age-appropriate programming to teach children, ages 5-17, how to be safer online and offline.

LOVE146 – Internet safety resources for teens and adults. This interactive online segments provides safety rules, the warning signs to look for, sexting, pornography, apps and websites to watch out for, and what to do to stay safe.

God Made All of Me: A Book to Help Children Protect Their Bodies, by Justin S. Holcomb & Lindsey A. Holcomb (2015)

Good Pictures, Bad Pictures: Porn-Proofing Today’s Young Kids, by Kristen Jenson and Debbie Fox (2018) – A book providing a natural and comfortable way to talk to your kids about pornography.

Good Pictures, Bad Pictures Jr: A Simple Plan to Protect Young Minds, by Kristen Jenson (2016)

The Impact of Pornography on Children, Youth and Culture, by Cordelia Anderson (2017) – A booklet highlighting research on pornography’s impact, shifts in culture and media, with information and resources to counter the harms and promote healthy sexual development.

Your Brain on Porn, by Gary Wilson. Commonwealth Publishing (2014)

National Organizations

National Human Trafficking Resource Center

  • National Trafficking Hotline: 1.888.373.7888

Polaris Project

  • Be Free textline: text HELP to BeFree (233733)

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

  • 24-hour Hotline: 1.800.THE.LOST (1.800.843.5678)

National Center on Sexual Exploitation

National Sexual Violence Resource Center

Shared Hope International (Chosen video and other resources.)

The Prevention Institute

Women of the ELCA

ELCA Justice for Women

AMMPARO ELCA – Accompanying migrant minors.


Darkness to Light – Empowering adults through awareness and educational programs to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse.

Jacob Wetterling Resource Center – Zero Abuse Project

Stop It Now – Education and resources to prevent the sexual abuse of children by mobilizing adults, families, and communities to take action to protect children before they are harmed.

LOVE146 – Prevention education and resources to end child trafficking and exploitation. Cherish All Children staff are certified in the Not a Number youth prevention curriculum.

No Más Campaign – Casa de Experanza's National Latin@ Network focuses on equipping families and others in raising children who can engage in health communications, relationships, and sexuality. 

thursdays in blackWorld Council of Churches – #ThursdaysinBlack, a global campain supported by the ELCA, speaks out against gender-based violence, and resists attitutes and practices that permit sexual violence. Resources, including a toolkit for congregations, are provided. 


Minnesota Organizations

Minnesota Human Trafficking Taskforce

Minnesota Department of Health:

Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault

MN Safe Harbor Day One Hotline – Call for local shelter and supportive services for potential victims of exploitation or trafficking. 

  • Phone: 1.866.223.1111
  • Text: 612.399.9995

Minnesota Indian Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition

Men as Peacemakers