Youth & Young Adults
Financial Counseling

LSS Financial Counseling

LSS financial counseling logoWe offer nonjudgmental support, guidance and proven tools to achieve financial wellness, develop healthy financial habits, pay off debt and more.

Our National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) certified financial counselors provide realistic, action-oriented and confidential services. Our services include consumer credit counseling, housing counseling, budget and debt management counseling, student loan counseling and nonprofit Debt Management Plans.

We are a trusted nonprofit offering services virtually, by phone (nationwide) and in-person at offices across Minnesota.

Get started today by calling 888.577.2227 or visiting our website!


Budget and Debt Management Counseling    
Take the first steps toward a debt-free future by getting started with a budget and debt counseling appointment. Our financial counselors are here to assist you with creating a plan, so you'll feel confident in managing your finances; Gain skills and tools to overcome debt and manage your budget to achieve financial wellness. 

Credit Report Reviews    
A key component to gaining control of your finances is knowing exactly where you stand financially. You can receive a free credit report once a week from each of the three major credit reporting bureaus by request. We can help you obtain a copy of your credit report and review it with you. 

Debt Management Plans (DMPs)    
Create a nonprofit Debt Management Plan with a financial counselor to reduce your interest rates and pay off debt faster by consolidating your payments into one each month. Don't wait...take action now! 

Homeownership Counseling    
If you are considering homeownership, a HUD-certified housing counselor can help you to get your finances in order and provide support throughout the homebuying process. 

Foreclosure Prevention Counseling    
Review your options to prevent and avoid home foreclosure with a trusted, experienced nonprofit HUD-certified housing counselor. 

Reverse Mortgage Counseling    
Our HUD-certified housing counselors provide unbiased reverse mortgage support to help you navigate the reverse mortgage process. Our experts can explain how a reverse mortgage will affect your financial situation. 

Student Loan Debt Counseling    
Having trouble paying off your student loan debt, understanding your student loan repayment options or student loan forgiveness programs. Whether you are in school right now, in repayment, or helping a borrower, a student loan debt counselor can help you understand your options and develop a plan.