Youth Homelessness
Willmar Area

Willmar Youth Homelessness Services

Youth in the Willmar area who are at-risk or experiencing homelessness can find nonjudgmental support and assistance at LSS. We support hundreds of youth every year in the Willmar area, and are committed to providing young people with the resources they need to launch into productive, healthy and independent lives.


Independent Living Services

Education & Training Voucher
Provides money to students who have aged out of foster care to pay for college tuition/fees, room/board, book/supplies and personal/living expenses.

Seeking Experiences with Attitudes, Relationships, Community & Home (SEARCH)
Provides guidance and support to youth ages 16-22 who have been in out-of-home placement and are preparing to find their own living situation.

Sexually Exploited Youth Program
Serves youth or young adults up to age 24 who have been sexually exploited or trafficked.

Youth Leadership Council
The purpose of the Youth Leadership Council is to be a voice for other foster youth, promote and educate about the foster care system and work for positive change.



Permanent Supportive Housing
A housing service for youth up to age 24 who have a documented disability and are experiencing homelessness.

Youth Supportive Housing
Supports homeless and at-risk youth to establish and maintain an independent household, while preventing future occurrences of homelessness.


Street Outreach

Willmar Street Outreach/Basic Center Service
Confidential, nonjudgmental support and assistance for youth who have run away from home or are without a stable place.