Youth Homelessness
Transitional Living Project

Transitional Living Project

Support for youth ready to rent an affordable apartment in the community

youth smiling at camera

The Transitional Living Project (TLP) is a supportive program for youth ages 18-24 who are ready to start living in their own apartment in the community.

Participants in the TLP program work with a case manager on goal setting, budgeting, and independent living skills before moving into an apartment to ensure that their transition to independence will be successful. After the participant has prepared their goals, they work with their case manager to find an apartment in the community that fits their needs.

LSS can assist with the damage deposit, as well as the first and last month’s rent. LSS may also subsidize a small portion of the rent for a period of up to a year, depending on the need. After signing a lease and moving into an apartment, youth meet with their case manager regularly to address challenges and to identify resources in the community that can support them in achieving their goals. Youth also participate in regular life skills groups in order to build their skill base and to make connections.

To participate in the TLP program youth must be 18-24 years of age, at risk of or experiencing homelessness, willing to live in Ramsey County, and have income sufficient to live in market rate housing. The program also has special eligibility for youth who were in foster care or out-of-home placement for 30 days or more after their fourteenth birthday.

Placements in the TLP program are facilitated through Ramsey County Coordinated Entry. Please call our office for more information: 651.644.7739.


Transitional Living Project: Independent Living Skills Service

Offering independent living skills (ILS) classes to support foster youth ages 14-23.

We support youth with growing their independent living skills, transition planning, and case management to help them transition from care to living on their own. Participation in TLP: ILS is voluntary.

We Offer

ILS Group Training

Youth meet weekly to discuss topics such as up to and including:

  • Budgeting and finance
  • Juvenile justice
  • Healthy relationships
  • First impressions
  • Renters education
  • Sexual health
  • Education and employment

Transition Planning

We provide one-to-one case management and individual transition planning services for youth that will age out of care into independence.

Leadership and Community Development

Through this service, we offer the opportunity to be a part of the Youth Leadership Council. This is a great opportunity for current and former foster youth to network and discuss the current state of the foster care system.  The Youth Leadership Council oversees planning community events, as well as meeting with legislators about possible policy change and relevant issues.

Where We Serve

Services are offered in the following counties:

  • Dakota
  • Ramsey
  • Washington

Get Started

Contact us to get started at 651.644.7739 press option three

We also accept referrals from:

  • Case workers
  • Probation officers
  • Therapists
  • Teachers
  • Other caring adults

Additional Resources

MN Department of Human Services
MN DHS: STAY in the Community (STAY-C)

MN DHS: The Chafee/SELF Program

Funding for this service is provided in part by the Minnesota Department of Human Services.


Homeless Youth Services - Twin Cities Metro


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