Disability Services
Specialized Community Supports

Specialized Community Supports

Individual in front of house with welcome home balloon

Custom, Community-Based Living for Children & Adults

LSS Specialized Community Supports (SCS) is a unique housing and support option for children and adults who haven’t found successful long-term placement in traditional support settings.

What Makes SCS Different

We know that when we engage the individual in designing their support and living setting, learn about their preferences and treat them with dignity and respect, they are more likely to be successful – and so are we. A key component of the service is the individual’s personal involvement in the process.

  • Homes typically support just one or two individuals, rather than the more typical four. We’ve found this leads to greater success for the individuals.
  • All homes are person-centered. Our Designated Coordinators continuously adapt and tailor support for the individual.
  • Services are geared toward positive reinforcement, helping individuals sustain positive behavior changes that lead to success.
  • All individuals supported through LSS Specialized Community Supports have a say in the home – how it is decorated, choice of supports and potential housemates. They are also involved in decisions regarding the supervision and staffing of their home.
  • Homes are physically modified to meet the needs of the individuals living there. 

LSS offers a wide range of services for people with disabilities. This means we’re able to connect additional supports, such as Employment First Services, to help individuals reach their goals. With services available across the state, we support individuals in locations that are convenient for family members and provide the lifestyle that the individual desires.

Experienced Staff

Over the years, LSS’ staff have supported many individuals with significant medical and behavioral challenges. We’ve learned what makes placements successful, and these beliefs have become the core foundation for Specialized Community Supports.

Our staff are trained to support the unique needs of each individual we support. We are able to tailor staffing to the needs and level of support that makes sense for the individual. Supports can be provided in the individual’s own home/apartment, or in a licensed Adult Foster Care setting.

LSS’ first SCS program opened in 2017.

Meeting Olmstead Goals for Community Living

LSS is dedicated to providing community-based services in the most integrated setting possible. We developed Specialized Community Supports in response to a need in our community for more options for individuals with complex needs.

We have a deep understanding of person-centered principles and the Olmstead Plan and can work with counties to achieve Olmstead goals for community living.

LSS is accredited by the Council on Quality Leadership (CQL), which promotes excellence in person-centered services and supports for people with disabilities.

Contact Us

Contact us to learn more or to discuss placement for an individual.


Specialized Community Supports
