Youth Homelessness
Sex Trafficking Education

Preventing Sexual Exploitation of Children and Youth

LSS provides training opportunities for outreach workers who focus on working with youth who have been sexually exploited. We also equip congregations with educational tools and resources to prevent child sexual exploitation and trafficking.

Prevention & Intervention

StreetWorks is a collaborative of youth-serving nonprofits (including LSS) that provide street-based outreach to youth experiencing homelessness in the Metro area. It is the largest outreach collaborative in Minnesota focused on ending youth homelessness. StreetWorks offers training opportunities for youth workers statewide, with a focus on supporting youth who have been sexually exploited.

Learn more about StreetWorks

Community Outreach

Cherish All Children is an LSS service that equips congregations with educational tools and resources to prevent child sexual exploitation and trafficking. Our vision is that congregations will engage in prevention so all children may be cherished, not exploited. By providing congregational manuals, prayers, educational resources and community events, youth and adults can engage in action in their own communities.

Learn more about Cherish All Children

More information about LSS services for youth in the Twin Cities