Youth & Young Adults
About Cherish All Children

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About Us

Cherish All Children works with churches and communities to prevent child sexual exploitation and trafficking. The heart of this ministry lies in churches where staff, leaders and members work together to act on behalf of children and youth.

We provide education, resources and tools to both adults and youth to promote healthy and safe relationships, guided by our Christian values. Faith communities are powerful agents for social change, and we invite you to join us in protecting all God’s children.

Prevention model graphic: Education, Equip, Pray, EngageOur Primary Prevention Model shows how we will work with your community, to stop the harm before it occurs. We:

EDUCATE youth and adults about child sexual exploitation and trafficking and how to prevent it.

EQUIP churches and communities with resources to prevent child sexual exploitation and trafficking.

ENGAGE youth and adults to create a culture that promotes healthy relationships free from sexual exploitation.

PRAY for the youth in our churches and communities and for an end to child sexual exploitation and trafficking.

Mission, Vision, Values


We educate, equip and engage churches and communities to prevent child sexual exploitation and trafficking.


Raising healthy generations free from sexual exploitation!


We are guided by our Christian faith to promote healthy and safe relationships, making a positive impact in our communities. We value, respect and support all individuals, especially those who may be excluded in society leading to greater vulnerabilities. We value young people’s strengths, engaging them in the movement to end exploitation. We put our faith into action to not only raise awareness, but to empower churches and communities to work for justice and an end to sexual exploitation and trafficking.

Staff & Advisory Board

Meet the Cherish All Children staff and advisory board.

Our History

Cherish All Children was started by a Bishop’s Task Force in the Minneapolis Area Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) in 2005. This task force saw the need for our churches to step in to stop commercial sexual exploitation that was destroying lives and healthy relationships. They understood this crime against children was happening in cities, suburbs and rural areas throughout the United States. This dedicated and faithful group set about to educate adults in ELCA churches and engage them in action to keep children safe.

Founder Amy Hartman led Cherish All Children as an independent 501c3 from 2006 to 2017, spreading the ministry to ELCA congregations throughout the country. Through education, prayer, and action, thousands of members have been engaged in this work.

In late 2017, Cherish All Children came under the umbrella of Lutheran Social Service of MN, continuing its mission under the leadership of Joy McElroy. Partnering with LSS offers the opportunity for collaboration with the long-standing work LSS has done serving youth at risk of exploitation. We are excited to be offering new resources for churches to use across the country, as well as specific youth prevention training we can provide to youth groups within Minnesota.