Media Resources

Media Resources

For media inquiries, please contact:

Jackie Nelson
Senior Manager, Marketing and Public Relations
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota
[email protected]


Subject Matter Areas of Expertise

Learn more about our areas of expertise.

Adoption Services

Changing trends in domestic and international adoption, foster care, pregnancy counseling, and post adoption


Advocacy, volunteer services, grassroots engagement, community engagement, state and federal public policy, lobbying, coalitions, elections and voting

Disability Services

Changing trends in disability services, person-centered supports including new living options for people with disabilities, adult foster care, human rights for people with disabilities

Financial Counseling

Consumer debt, personal finance, budgeting, credit improvement, use of credit, money management, debt settlement scams, consumer protection, foreclosure prevention, student loans

Older Adult Services

Providing innovative, community-based services to meet the needs of family caregivers to keep them as healthy as possible so that they can continue to care for their loved ones; aging issues in rural communities; caregiver coaching, education and training; the benefits of individual and group respite care; Senior Nutrition group dining and home-delivered meals; special needs care and planning; benefits and rewards for senior volunteers.

Youth and Family Services

Youth homelessness, positive youth development, parenting, rural homelessness, foster care, emergency shelter for children and youth, sex trafficking prevention, truancy prevention, youth life skills training, comprehensive sexual health education; Kinship caregiving, supportive services to stabilize families in a housing crisis.


Jackie Nelson - Senior Manager, Marketing and Public Relations
