Financial & Legal Services
Pooled Trust Fees

Pooled Trust Fees

As a nonprofit, mission-driven organization, we are committed to keeping costs low, while also maintaining the level of quality and service necessary to protect and manage your financial assets.

LSS Pooled Trust Fees may include:

Attorney Fees

One-time expense paid directly to your attorney

LSS encourages the grantor to engage an attorney to acquaint them with the LSS Pooled Trust documents and to complete the check list on the Joinder Agreement. Attorney fees vary based on attorney rates and time spent reviewing the documents and answering your questions.

Asset Management Fees

Actual fees charged by the investment firm

The Asset Management Fee, charged by the investment firm, is a sliding fee determined by combined total investments in the LSS Pooled Trust. By pooling funds, we are able to attain rates lower than most individuals could attain by creating individual trusts.

While we cannot anticipate future market volatility or make any guarantees, interest income often exceeds asset management fees. Please contact us to inquire about current rates and fees.

LSS Trustee Fees

Trustee fees are charged at an hourly rate for time spent servicing each individual’s subaccount. Trustee fees can vary depending on the amount of trust usage. Please contact us to inquire about current rates and fees.

Joinder Fees

A one-time Joinder Fee of $1,200 will be incurred when you open a pooled trust sub-account. This fee covers document review, Trustee attendance at any potential initial court hearings, time spent working with you, your attorney or your financial planner and initial filings with the state and other regulatory bodies.


Pooled Trust Services