Youth Homelessness

Give to the Center for Changing Lives Duluth

Investing in the Center for Changing Lives Duluth and the services Darrel standing outside.both within its walls and out in the community is an investment in the future of this region's young people.

Darrel had a rough childhood and became homeless at age 16. Through the Renaissance Transitional Living program, he found stability. Today, Darrel has a good job, a family and a house.

With your help, we can provide a safe place for young people like Darrel to step out of invisibility into the support they need to make permanent changes in their lives. We can make a difference for kids and give them the guidance, care and love they need to live independent and full, contributing lives.

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Community members like you are investing in the future of this region's youth — showing them that they have resources they can rely on. The resources found in the Center for Changing Lives Duluth include a teen health center, three housing options, support groups, crisis care and other supportive services.

Youth experiencing homelessness may come from a wide range of situations, including:

  • A background of low income/poverty.
  • A background of abuse, including sexual abuse.
  • Parents with a history of chemical abuse or dependency.

Without the proper help and resources, the problems youth face can manifest themselves in areas of deep personal and community concern. At-risk youth can have higher rates of dropping out of school, unemployment, homelessness, mental health and chemical dependency issues, sex trafficking, and even suicide.


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