
May 2022 News

May 9

A 2021 study by Consumer Reports shared that more than one-third of consumers found mistakes on their credit reports. Many people don’t realize that the data on their credit reports make up their credit scores, LSS offers free credit report reviews to help individuals and families improve their credit. Learn more from Shannon Doyle, financial educator with LSS Financial Counseling, by tuning in to this KTIS-FM radio interview.

April 2022 News

Apr 29
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota (LSS) is seeking foster parents to partner in caring for children and youth in need. If you are interested in making a difference in children’s lives, consider becoming a foster parent. On an average day, there were approximately 8,600 children and young adults in care in 2020, according to the most recent information available through the Minnesota Department of Human Services. Jodi Raidt, statewide program manager with LSS Therapeutic Foster Care, said that the need for foster parents remains great.
Apr 29
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota (LSS) was awarded $64,420 from the Central Minnesota Council on Aging (CMCOA) to continue supporting caregivers and helping Minnesotans receive a break from their caregiving responsibilities, improving access resources to grow their caregiving skills and connect with others through support groups, with its Caregiver Support Services.

March 2022 News

February 2022 News

Feb 23
March is National Credit Education Month, a month dedicated to educating people about their credit scores and taking action to improve them. A 2021 study by Consumer Reports found more than one-third of consumers found mistakes on their credit reports. About 11% contained unrecognized accounts, unrecognized debts reported to collection agencies and payments wrongly reported late or missing — all of which could lead to a loan application being rejected.
Feb 22
Kyle Larsen has been named chief financial officer for Children’s Home Society of Minnesota. He also serves as the controller for Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota (LSS), an affiliate organization and partner in adoption. In his new position, Larsen will oversee financial operations for Children’s Home, including strategic planning, stewardship of financial resources and integrity of internal controls and reporting systems. 
Feb 22

Kristin Quenzer appeared on KNSI Radio in St. Cloud to inform the community about our healthy shipped meals service: “We know that a lot of seniors in the St. Cloud area, and actually throughout the state of Minnesota, are not close to a grocery store or a place to get healthy food. Sometimes they’re outside the city limits. We still have a lot of individuals living on family farms. And it’s difficult at times to get daily hot meals to their homes.