Kinship Family Support Services

Kinship Family Support Services

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota (LSS) Kinship Family Support Services

What We Do

Kinship caregivers care for the child(ren) of relatives or friends when the child(ren)’s parent is unable to do so. This support is frequently provided outside of the foster care system, which can present financial challenges for caregivers as they strive to meet their family’s basic needs.

Project Location

Collect supplies at your congregation and deliver to LSS at 709 University Avenue West Saint, Paul MN 55104.

What You Can Do

Create Kin Care Boxes for new kinship caregivers. We want to create a bit of encouragement and self-care in a time of chaos for the family.

Project Details

The concept is a "Kin Care Box" filled with small items of comfort to a kinship caregiver and a gift card. The gift card is for basic necessities like underwear/clothing for children, and food. The items of comfort (like a mug with an encouraging slogan, spa items, anything small for self-care) are for making the kinship caregiver feel appreciated and to help them relax. The goal is to know someone out there is concerned with their emergency and to encourage a bit of self-care through a small financial gift for immediate needs.


Janet Salo, [email protected],

709 University Avenue West, Saint Paul MN 55104.