My Neighbor Is Muslim Study 

My Neighbor Is Muslim Study

We are almost all a nation of immigrants. As LSS of Minnesota celebrated its 150th anniversary last year, we remembered the enormous wave of immigration at the turn of the last century that built many of our churches and communities.

In recent years, civil wars in other countries have caused refugees from those counties to immigrate to the United States. Now many of our new neighbors are of the Muslim faith.

The American popular press has been filled with news of the “war on terror” with negative characterizations of Muslim people. Though devout Muslims have tried to counter the media with reminders that Islam is a religion of devotion to God and peace among neighbors, those voices are sometimes hard to hear.

We are offering a resource to our church, and to anyone else who would like to use it, to help learn the basic tenets of Islam and understand our new neighbors.

Our intention is simply that this resource will open doors, minds, and hearts and dispel stereotypes and myths about Muslim neighbors just enough to start more conversations. I am touched by the stories of Christians who are inviting Muslim imams into dialogue, accepting the invitation to participate in iftar dinners during Ramadan, and hosting community multicultural celebrations.

We hope you can also use this resource to spread goodness and welcome Muslim neighbors to your community.


Download the Resources

My Neighbor is Muslim Study (PDF)

Minnesota Refugee Facts and Figures (PDF)

Loving Our Muslim Neighbors Youth Curriculum (PDF)