Chan Family

Chippewa County
Chan family

Chan Family ready to offer positivity and care to someone in need

We are Kyle and Caroline Chan, and we live in a spacious ranch-style home in Kerkhoven, MN. We have three children, and our home is on 12 acres in the country, surrounded by corn fields, groves of trees and other natural barriers that exemplify the beauty of country living. We would love the opportunity to offer a new child the attention, positivity and care that we share with one another as a family.

We are very family-oriented and love to do things together in our free time. As a family we love to go fishing year-round up north. We also enjoy swimming, playing games or doing crafts. As a family, we are all responsible for maintaining the home and picking up after ourselves. We enjoy our daily routines in a peaceful community and share trust with our neighbors.

We are happiest when we are spending time outdoors or spending time together, and we love to be involved with our community. Our faith is very important to us, and we apply that in our daily life by how we treat others.

Caroline’s parents opened their home to support others when she was growing up, and she loved it. She has worked in long-term care for many years as both a leader and providing direct care. She will use this knowledge and experience to tap into a deeper understanding of supporting a person with disabilities and truly embracing person-centered care so they can be as independent as possible.

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Host Homes of Northwest Area
This home is located in Kerkhoven, MN and licensed to support children.