
Introducing Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

As required by the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS), Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) will be a new tool coming soon to Partners in Community Supports (PICS) for submitting hours worked. We are currently in the early stages of reviewing EVV vendors, but we will post new information once available!

Below is an EVV guide provided by Applied Self-Direction – a national resource for self-directed services.

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Electronic Visit Verification Frequently Asked Questions


Stay tuned for more information regarding EVV!



EVV Frequently Asked Questions

A Quick Guide to Understanding EVV

What Is EVV?

“EVV” stands for Electronic Visit Verification. EVV is a way to record the date, time, and place your workers provide services to you.

What do they mean by “electronic?”

When talking about EVV, “electronic” means using an electronic device to record the date, time and place your worker provides services to you. The most common devices are cell phones, tablets, and computers.

What do they mean by “verification”?

When talking about EVV, “verification” means using technology to prove that both you and your worker are at the same place at the same time. This verification only needs to happen when your worker starts each shift and ends each shift.

I don’t want the government to know where I am. What about my privacy?

EVV systems should be designed to protect your privacy. The information about where you are should not be shared with anyone except the people who process paychecks.

Do I have to use EVV?

If you receive paid help around your home and community, you will probably need to use EVV. States are required to implement EVV or face a penalty from the federal government. Most states will have EVV ready to go by January 1, 2020.

When did this start? I’ve never heard of EVV before.

Some states have used EVV for a while in personal care and home care services. Congress passed a law in 2016 requiring all states to use EVV or pay a penalty. States have been working on plans to be ready by the January 2020 deadline.