
Coming Soon: Electronic Visit Verification for Home-Based Services

Friday, July 16, 2021

Person typing at a laptop with a notebook and pencil

PICS will be incorporating electronic visit verification (EVV), an online timekeeping feature for Workers, before the end of 2021. The new EVV system is a way to virtually record the date, time and place for services provided at home and in the community.

This change is due to the 21st Century Cures Act, a federal law passed in 2016 that requires all states to use EVV for home- and community-based services. Minnesota will begin implementing this new system by December 1, 2021.

PICS’ EVV system is not yet in place. We will keep you updated as we navigate this change. PICS will offer training and support along the way. Our EVV system, with various user-friendly options, will be designed to protect the privacy of both the Worker and the Participant.

More information about EVV is available here: