
PICS Family Spotlight: Meet Veneta & Roxie

Monday, June 10, 2024

PICS Spotlight meet Veneta & RoxieAt PICS (Partners in Community Supports), we love getting to know the families we work with. Our PICS Family Spotlight series offers the opportunity to learn more about an individual or family that has chosen to partner with us for their services.

This month, we are happy to introduce Veneta and her daughter, Roxie! Roxie receives services through Individualized Home Supports. Veneta is the mom to five grown-ups, three of whom are on the autism spectrum. She is also the author of two self-published books.


PICS: Can you share with us your experience with Individualized Home Supports (IHS)? How did you first become aware of this support option, and what led you to choose it?

Veneta: I was very new to the world of special needs and had no idea what was available. I attended a service provider vendor fair where I got information on what our family qualified for. Each provider had a table where I could ask questions and directly compare what each provider offered.


PICS: How has Individualized Home Supports (IHS) made a positive impact on your life or the life of your loved one receiving support? Are there any specific examples that you can share?

Veneta: Roxie is vulnerable and needs 24-hour care. IHS helped fill in the gaps so that I could take care of my whole family, not just Roxie. Because I had trusted and reliable care for Roxie, I was able to serve as an advocate for families on local and state committees. I don't think our family could have stayed together without IHS support.


PICS: Are there any instances where the support you or your loved one received from PICS was particularly valuable or meaningful to you? If so, would you share what that was?

Veneta: Through PICS, I was able to hire a trusted family member to support Roxie, which was a double win. This person was very familiar with Roxie's way of communicating, and Roxie was very familiar and comfortable with this person. Having this option took a huge load of stress off my shoulders.


PICS: As someone using Individualized Home Supports (IHS), what advice would you give to others who may be considering this support option for themselves or their loved ones?

Veneta: The best thing that you can do for your loved one is take care of yourself. Take a break. Do something that you enjoy. It replenishes your energy and spirit. It's also good for your loved one to not be entirely relying on you, and it allows them to gain some independence.


PICS: In your opinion, what sets PICS apart in delivering Individualized Home Supports? Are there any strengths or qualities you'd like to highlight?

Veneta: PICS has always used language and processes that are easy to understand. They communicate well and often. We have always felt valued and respected. Questions are answered quickly, and I have never had a dispute with them.


Is there anything else you would like to share about your overall experience with Individualized Home Supports (IHS) or your relationship with PICS?

Veneta: Choosing PICS has made family life so much easier and less stressful. I'm so glad I found you!


Thank you, Veneta and Roxie, for sharing more about your family!