
PICS Family Spotlight: Meet Carol and Krista

Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Carol and Krista at the beach

At PICS (Partners in Community Supports), we love getting to know the families we work with. Our PICS Family Spotlight series offers the opportunity to learn more about an individual or family that has chosen to partner with us for their services.

This month, we are happy to introduce Carol and her daughter Krista! Krista receives services through PICS’ Individualized Home Supports without training service, and Carol is her caregiver.


Q. Tell us little bit about yourselves.

A. Carol is a certified business coach working primarily in dentistry but willing to help anyone who needs her. Krista works for eQuality, Pathways to Potential, on their farm in Buffalo, where they grow vegetables for CSA boxes.

Q. Can you share with us your/your loved one’s experience with Individualized Home Supports (IHS)? How did you first become aware of this support option, and what led you to choose it?

A. I was looking for more support for Krista as I was moving out of state. I asked about services available at our annual meeting and Krista's case manager gave me information on PICS. I liked the idea that I could utilize our friends as support for Krista.


Q. How has Individualized Home Supports (IHS) positively impacted your life or the life of your loved one receiving support? Are there any specific examples that you can share?

A. I moved to Louisiana for one year, and I had never been that far away before. I knew that Krista would be fine (she lives in an apartment independently and was supported by Fraser at the time); however, I am that helicopter parent. I hired two good friends to spend time with Krista on the weekends (grocery shop, take her on outings like bowling, golf, Gopher football games, theatre nights). It was great seeing Krista thrive with the support of people she trusts. Krista was able to independently visit me by plane in Louisiana over Thanksgiving. IHS helped her to be more independent and self-assured to travel. 

I have since moved back to Minnesota, and I am now her paid caregiver. This has been life-altering for both of us. We have a deeper bond and are able to spend more time sharing meals, going on outings together, shopping, and generally enjoying life. This would not have been possible without IHS through PICS.


Carol and Krista at sports game

Q. As someone using Individualized Home Supports (IHS), what advice would you give to others who may be considering this support option for themselves or their loved ones?

A. With the lack of personnel in today's world, I think that everyone should be considering this support option. I know that IHS has been a game changer for us. Krista has never been so happy to have support from people who truly care about her and know her.


Q. In your opinion, what sets PICS apart in delivering Individualized Home Supports? 
A. I think the ease of starting the programming is what sets PICS apart. Plua responded immediately to my request for information and has been so helpful and supportive from day one. She walked me through the process, and we got services quickly. She made the entire process so seamless. Many of us know the process is typically not easy, and PICS truly shines in welcoming people into the system. Thank you for making our lives better!

Q. Is there anything else you would like to share about your overall experience with Individualized Home Supports (IHS) or your relationship with PICS?

A. I have had only positive experiences with PICS. I am not accustomed to great experiences when it comes to services for Krista. Congratulations to PICS for providing a wonderful client experience and great services!


Thank you, Carol and Krista, for sharing more about your family!