
PICS Family Spotlight: Meet Amber, Finley and Meredith

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Finley and Meredith riding a bikeAt PICS (Partners in Community Supports), we love getting to know the families we work with. Our PICS Family Spotlight series offers the opportunity to learn more about an individual or family that has chosen to partner with us for their services.

This month, we are happy to introduce Amber and her daughters, Finley and Meredith! Finley and Meredith receive services through Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS), and Amber is their mother and caregiver.


Q. Tell us a little bit about yourselves.

Amber: My name is Amber, and I have two daughters who utilize PICS as the Financial Management Service (FMS) provider for their CDCS program.Finley and Meredith riding a bike


Q. Can you tell us about your journey with self-direction? How did you first learn about it, and what motivated you to choose this approach for the care and support of your daughters?

Amber: Both my girls were previously utilizing PCA services, but their needs went beyond PCA care, and self-directed programming allows us to individualize their care to their unique needs.


Q. How has the flexibility and customization that self-direction offers impacted the lives of your loved ones receiving services? 

Amber: Self-direction allows us to pursue specific services and treatments that are best for each of my children. Their needs continue to change and aren’t always the same; this allows us to tailor our plans based on individual needs.


Q. What aspects of self-direction do you find most empowering, and how has it improved your sense of control over the care, life decisions, quality of life or independence for your daughters?

Amber: It allows my girls to be the best they can be. It gives them the opportunity to participate, grow and be involved, regardless of their special needs.


Q. As someone using self-directed services, what advice would you give to others who may be considering this support option?

Amber: There was a lot to learn, and even though we have been in the program for a while, I still get confused at times and have questions, but it was worth it to be able to give my girls the support and services they need.


Q. How has PICS, as your FMS provider, contributed to making your self-directed experience smoother and more effective? 

Amber: PICS has been amazing. They answer all my questions and have walked me through the process each year. They are quick to respond to my questions and always explain the reasoning behind the answers they provide me. I couldn’t have done it without the amazing support PICS offers.


Q. Is there anything else you would like to share about your overall experience with self-direction or working with PICS?

Amber: I have been with other FMS providers in the past. PICS has been more like a partner in my children’s care than just an FMS, and I am grateful.


Thank you, Amber, Finley and Meredith, for sharing more about your family!


Learn more about accessing self-directed services

The first step for someone interested in determining eligibility for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) is to call your local county human service agency or tribe and ask for a MnCHOICES Assessment. The agency can provide you with information about the available programs, eligibility requirements and how to apply. The MnCHOICES assessment is a free, in-person assessment that will determine your needs and identify what programs, services and supports you may be eligible for. The assessor will ask you questions about your daily living activities, where you want to live, how you want to participate in the community, your medical history and any other needs you have.

We have created a step-by-step checklist to help families start with HCBS services.