
PICS Employee Spotlight [Get to know Trisha Kluck, Program Manager]

Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Trisha Kluck, PICS program manager
Trisha Kluck, PICS program manager

At PICS (Partners in Community Supports), a subsidiary of Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota (LSS), much of our work is behind the scenes. Our Employee Spotlight helps you learn more about our team. This month, learn about Trisha Kluck, program manager at PICS!


Q. Tell us a little bit about your career at PICS.

Trisha: I started out with PICS as a service coordinator in 2017. I was promoted to senior service coordinator in 2018 and program manager in 2020. As a program manager, my job is to be available to my team for training, guidance and support as they manage their caseloads. I don't consider myself successful unless my team is successful and lucky for me, they're all amazing! I also plan the conferences and events that PICS attends each year and participate in the PICS Advocacy team during the legislative session.


Q. Could you tell us what attracted you to PICS and how your vision aligns with the organization's?

Trisha: I have always had a heart for people with disabilities. After working in direct care for many years, I wanted to be able to continue to support individuals in a more administrative role. I believe all people have dignity and deserve control over their own lives. At PICS, I get to be a part of a process that allows people to make their own choices, access their community, and be supported as they go about each day.



Q. What do you enjoy most about working at PICS? 

Trisha: The culture at PICS is unlike any other work culture I've experienced due to the emphasis on personal wellness. PICS Leadership knows that in order to provide the best service we can to our families, staff need flexibility and support to manage their own lives. Everyone truly looks out for one another and shares in each other's successes. Team spirit is alive and well at PICS!


Q. PICS’ Shared Values include being trustworthy, compassionate, knowledgeable, collaborative and responsive. How have you been able to implement your own personal values while working at PICS?

Trisha: My personal values are the same as PICS Shared Values; they guide my daily actions. Relationship building and problem solving are the two main functions of my position, and each shared value is essential to being successful. Working at PICS requires a lot of collaboration, which can sometimes be difficult. During those times, I remind myself that my contribution allows a person with a disability to live a full and abundant life, which is something everyone deserves.

Trisha (center) with two friends on a trip to Malaysia.
Trisha (center) with two friends on a trip to Malaysia.

Q. What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Trisha: I like to read, paint and do puzzles. I enjoy being in nature but not in the "camp on a mountain with no running water" kind of nature. Dinner on the patio or walking outside is more my style.


Q. What is your favorite line from a movie?
Trisha: “You go Glen Coco!” - Mean Girls

Q. Share a fun fact about yourself.
Trisha: I spent my last birthday on a river cruise in Germany.


Q. Where is your favorite place to be?

Trisha: Reading a book by the lake.


Q. Do you have any pets?

Trisha: My housemate has a dog named Luther, which means I don't have the responsibility of a dog, but I still get all the snuggles.


Q. You’re happiest when…

Trisha: I'm on the beach and all I can hear is the ocean.


Here is what some of Trisha’s colleagues have to say about her…

“Trisha is compassionate and a strong advocate for change. She is always introducing new ideas to help improve and better everyone.”


“Trisha is a joy to work with each day! She is knowledgeable about services, empathetic and compassionate with those we serve, and always willing to lend a helping hand. If there is any project that needs to be completed, Trisha is the first to volunteer to lend her expertise. She is a great support and coach to her team. I wish everyone was lucky enough to work with Trisha.”


“PICS is so lucky to have Trisha! Trisha is not just kind; she is good — she cares deeply about the families we serve and the staff here at PICS. She is always willing to help wherever she is needed, and as an added bonus, she doesn't take herself too seriously. So, even in stressful times, she finds a way to bring laughter in.”


“Trisha is one of the most reliable staff this organization has ever seen! She is always considering ways we can provide our services more efficiently and effectively, working to improve the customer experience. She is a tremendous manager, leader, mentor and colleague. She is articulate, knowledgeable, and has a fantastic sense of humor and quick wit. She is loved and valued by her colleagues at PICS. I appreciate her involvement and endless contributions to PICS' success.”


“Trisha is nothing short of AMAZING! She is the kindest and one of the most hardworking people I know. She is always willing to help out, even when her plate is full. Trisha leads a number of workgroups and initiatives at PICS to better serve the people we support. She leads by example with her team, which is why they are so successful and compassionate. Trisha is truly a blessing to PICS!”