
Joe has been a Participant with PICS for 8 years. When asked to share about their PICS journey, Joe’s mom, Anne, submitted the following...

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Photo of Joe PICS

Joe has been an amazing teacher and mentor for me and all of us in his extended family - in his acceptance of what he must do, his adaptation to change, his unabashed joy of life and appreciation for little things, and his ability to live each day in the moment. At this time in particular, while we are all dealing with the pandemic, Joe helps me stay focused on what's truly important. These pictures show Joe’s sense of pride and joy and connection to others.

We are so grateful for all of the support that we and Joe have received from PICS over many years. In particular, we are grateful for Joe's wonderful PICS Service Coordinator's support for Joe and their excellent collaboration with Joe's fabulous Case Manager. Joe's life has been uplifted immeasurably by the dedicated services he has received from PCAs, Respite Workers, Teachers, Aides, Doctors, Case Managers and other supports throughout his 29 years.

 Photo of Joe PICS

Photo of Joe PICS