Minnesota Organizations
This list of organizations has been created by Minnesota Hands & Voices to let parents know about some of the most important resources available. Our directory is updated annually. This list is not exhaustive, and details about organizations can quickly become outdated. We encourage you to contact the organizations directly for the most current and comprehensive information.
ASL Interpreting Services
Dynamic Communications, Inc. provides educational seminars for both hearing and Deaf audiences.
Website: aslis.com
5801 Duluth St., Suite 106
Golden Valley, MN 55422
Phone: 763.478.8963 (V)
952.388.2141 (VP)
763.478.3093 (fax)
Email: [email protected]
About: ASL Interpreting Services locates interpreters throughout Minnesota, North Dakota, and western Wisconsin for a wide range of settings including but not limited to: business events, medical appointments, school meetings, funerals, and musical/theatrical events. We also provide VRI (Video Remote Interpreting). Dynamic Communications, Inc. provides consultations on Deafness, cultural issues, and the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). Services include: ASL interpreting, in-house training programs, sign language instruction, public seminars, consulting, job coaching, and ADA consulting and equipment.
Bridge to Benefits
Children's Defense Fund Minnesota maintains a free eligibility screening website called Bridge to Benefits
Website: bridgetobenefits.org
555 Park Street, Suite 410
St. Paul, MN 55103
Contact: Natletha Sumo
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651.227.6121
Fax: 651.227.2553
About: The website screens for eligibility in seven public programs and two tax credits. By answering a few easy questions, you can see which programs you are eligible for and learn how to apply.
You can use the website to:
- Find public programs that help pay for health care, child care, food, school meals and energy bills - plus tax credits that could give you cash back or reduce how much you pay at tax time
- Print out applications to apply for seven public programs
- Find out where you can get help with completing applications
- Find out where to turn in applications in your community
- Learn about other resources to help you or your family
Can Do Canines
Enhancing the quality of life for people with disabilities through beneficial partnerships with specially trained dogs.
Website: can-do-canines.org
9440 Science Center Drive
New Hope, MN 55428
Phone: 763.331.3000 (V)
Fax: 763.331.3009
Email: [email protected]
About: Can Do Canines is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for people with disabilities by creating mutually beneficial relationships with specially trained dogs.
We envision a future in which every person who needs and wants an assistance dog can have one.
Each fully trained dog is provided free of charge.
Can Do Canines trains five main types of assistance dogs as follows:
- Hearing Assist Dogs are often selected from local animal shelters. The dog alerts a person who is deaf or hard of hearing to sounds by making physical contact with them and then leading them to the source of the sound.
- Mobility Assist Dogs work with people who have mobility challenges and other needs. They pick up and carry objects, pull wheelchairs, open doors, and help to pay at tall counters.
- Diabetes Assist Dogs detect low blood sugar levels by sensing a change in their partner’s breath. The dog alerts their partner by touching them in a significant way.
- Seizure Response Dogs respond to a person having a seizure by licking their face, retrieving an emergency phone, and alerting other family members.
- Autism Assist Dogs keep children with autism safe in public settings and help them experience the world more fully by offering comfort and assurance. These special dogs also serve as a social bridge between the family and the public.
Charles Thompson Memorial Hall
A social and cultural meeting house for the Deaf community for over 80 years. Dining and game rooms, assembly hall.
Website: charlesthompsonhall.org
1824 Marshall Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55104
Phone: TTY: 651.644.3455
VP: 651.964.1396
Email: [email protected]
About: Thompson Memorial Hall has served as a social and cultural meeting house for the Deaf community for more than 100 years.
Services include: meeting rooms, game rooms, a bar/snack area, large dining room, and upper-story assembly hall.
Commission of Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing Minnesotans
Advocates for communication access and equal opportunity with Minnesotans who are deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing.
Website: mn.gov/deaf-commission
MN Resources on MDH Website Page:
This resource page is designed for parents, family members, and students who re deaf, deafblind, & hard of hearing. These resources listed were selected by the stakeholders of the Collaborative Plan. The Collaboration Plan is a network of agencies and organizations who work together to create positive systemic changes in order to achieve better education and career outcomes for students who are deaf, deafblind, & hard of hearing.
Website: https://mn.gov/deaf-commission/advocacy-issues/education/resources/
85 East 7th Place, Suite 105
St. Paul, MN 55101
Phone: 651.431.5961 (V)
VP: 612.361.0321
About: The Commission of Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing Minnesotans is a Governor appointed Commission that advocates for communication access and equal opportunity with Minnesotans who are deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing. We develop public policy solutions to barriers faced in education, health care, technology, access to public services and employment. We work across agencies, branches of state government and nonprofit organizations.
Services Include:
- Identifies barriers to equal opportunity and develops public policy solutions
- Lobbies for state legislation
- Coordinates the collaborative initiatives of agency stakeholders and parents to improve educational outcomes for children/students from birth through age 21.
- Empowers by building community capacity
- Provides advocacy training, including an online course, “Making Your Case”
- Organizes a Lobby Day at the Capitol every other year
Cued Speech Association of Minnesota
The Cued Speech Association of Minnesota provides information and support regarding the use of Cued Speech for deaf and hard of hearing children in education and social settings.
Website: cuedspeechminnesota.org
5056 3rd Street NE
Fridley, MN 55421
Phone: 763.502.6737 (V)
Email: [email protected]
About: The Cued Speech Association of Minnesota provides information and support regarding the use of Cued Speech for deaf and hard of hearing children in educational and social settings. Services include: information and research sheets about Cued Speech; family, professional, national, and educational contacts; social events; Cued Speech transliterator certification information; Cued Speech workshops; annual newsletter; and Cued Speech retreat.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS)
Assist deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing Minnesotans and their families in effectively accessing services in their communities.
Website: mn.gov/deaf-hard-of-hearing
85 East Seventh Place, Suite 105
St. Paul, MN 55101
Phone: 651.431.5940 (V ) Metro Area
VP: 651.964.1514 Metro Area
TTY: 888.206.6513 Metro Area
Email: [email protected]
About: For the phone and addresses of DHHS Offices in other areas of the state, call the metro office or visit the website for the location of the DHHS Office nearest you.
DHHS provides information, resources, and empowerment opportunities to assist deaf, deafblind, and hard of hearing Minnesotans and their families effectively access services in their communities. Five regional DHHS offices serve Minnesotans of any age who are deaf, hard of hearing, late deafened, or deaf/blind, as well as parents and family members, public and private service providers, employers and businesses, and other interested individuals and the community at large. DHHS is part of the Minnesota Department of Human Services (see separate listing).
Services include: information and referral, direct client assistance, consultation, trainings, a technology lab, videotape/DVD loan program, and interpreter referral information. DHHS also operates a Telephone Equipment Distribution (TED) Program that provides special telephone equipment at no cost to people who have a hearing loss, speech impairment, or physical disability that limits one’s ability to dial or hold a standard phone. See separate listing for TED in this directory.
A complete list of all mental health providers for deaf and hard of hearing individuals compiled by Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services can be found on their website.
Deaf Mentor Family Program
Deaf Mentor Family Services, a program of Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota, focuses on the communication needs of families with children who are deaf and hard of hearing from birth to age 6.
Website: lssmn.org/dmfs
2029 South Sixth Street
Brainerd, MN 56401
Email: [email protected]
About: The Deaf Mentor Family program assists these families by providing instruction in American Sign Language, early visual communication methods, and Deaf Culture, through a trained Deaf Mentor.
DeafBlind Services of Minnesota (DBSM)
DeafBlind Services of Minnesota aims to assist Deaf/Blind children and adults in reaching their highest level of independence.
Website: visionlossresources.org/programs/dbsm/
3230 Spruce Street
Little Canada, MN 55117
612.843.3426 (V) direct to Adult Community Services
612.843.3401(V) direct to Children, Youth and Family Services
VP: 612.430.6008
About: The Children, Youth and Family Services (CYFS) program serves Deaf/Blind children from birth through age 21.
Services include: development of an Individual Goal Activity plan that is implemented with the help of Interveners who meet with children and youth on a weekly basis. Programs and services are tailored to meet each individual’s goals and needs.
Deaf Minnesota is an electronic bulletin board for event relevant to the Deaf Community in the state of Minnesota.
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Brien Mcnamara
Email: [email protected]
VP: 651.964.2841
About: DeafMN.com is the successor to Tcdeaf.com. Tcdeaf.com was for all Minnesotans, but the name only reflected the Twin Cities. We have also updated the site in various ways to better serve all Minnesotans. Our new website is only the start of this process. We hope to continue to improve the website to make it easier to use and more strongly responsive to the needs of our members. We value your input so please let us know how we can better serve you.
Family Tree Clinic
We have been around for nearly 50 years and during those years, we've never turned a patient away if they couldn't pay.
Website: familytreeclinic.org
1619 Dayton Ave #205
St. Paul, MN 55104
Call/Text: 651.645.0478
About: Our services is affordable, accessible, and confidential. Our providers are committed to involving you in the decision-making process, making sure you get all your questions answered, and your needs met.
Education is a tool for prevention and better overall health. We offer comprehensive outreach education services around the metro area and statewide. Our community education department focuses on teaching comprehensive sexuality education classes in schools, community settings, colleges, and to groups in correctional facilities.
We also have a health education department that serves the Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities, either in a classroom setting or one-on-one. It's the only program like it in the state.
Family Voices of Minnesota
Family Voices of Minnesota's CONNECTED program is a free, state-wide, parent-to-parent peer support program for families whose children have special health care needs and/or disabilities.
Website: familyvoicesofminnesota.org
Phone: 1.866.334.8444 (Toll Free)
V/Text: 612.440.1609
Email: [email protected]
About: Family Voices of Minnesota is a state-wide, parent run, non-profit organization; our CONNECTED program is a free state-wide parent to parent peer support program for families whose children have special health care needs and/or disabilities. When you contact CONNECTED you will receive:
- Connection with another parent who has a child with similar needs and has received special training about supporting other parents
- Information and assistance to help you get needed services and supports including: financial, healthcare, educational and involvement in community living.
- Emotional support, understanding and acceptance so you do not feel alone.
- Empowerment, encouragement and education to speak up for your child and get needed services.
Fraser is a nationally renowned Minnesota nonprofit service children and adults with special needs.
Website: fraser.org
2400 West 64th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55423
General inquiries: 612.861.1688 (V)
Clinical intake: 612.767.7222 (V)
Email: [email protected]
About: Fraser is a nationally renowned Minnesota nonprofit serving children and adults with special needs through comprehensive education, healthcare and housing services. Fraser is a leading provider of autism services in Minnesota.
One of the largest community resources of its kind, Fraser offers a lifelong spectrum of services:
- Diagnostic evaluations.
- Comprehensive mental health services including individual and group therapy.
- Rehabilitation services including physical, occupational, speech-language, and music therapy.
- Child care and education for children with typical needs and special needs.
- Housing for adults and children with developmental disabilities.
- Workshops and seminars for parents, caregivers and professionals.
Greater Minnesota Launch PAD
GM Launch PAD is a program that provides culturally affirmative psychological assessments to students (ages 0-22) who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing and DeafBlind.
Website: brightworksmn.org/ProgramsServices/specialEducation/gmlaunchpad.html
Phone: 612.638.1500 (V/Text)
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Deanna Rothbauer
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 612.638.1531 (V)
About: GM Launch PAD is a program that provides culturally affirmative psychological assessments to students (ages 0-22) who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing and DeafBlind, who live in Greater Minnesota (outside the 7 county metro area) and attend a Minnesota public school. This program is funded by a grant from Deaf/Hard of Hearing Services, a division of the Minnesota Department of Human Services.
Through this program, psychologists who have training and experience working with students with hearing loss and are fluent in American Sign Language travel to the student’s school or county offices to complete the evaluation.
GM Launch Pad is coordinated by BrightWorks in collaboration with Dr. Nanette McDevitt, Licensed Psychologist and owner of Psychological Advantages, LLC.
Hearing Loss Association of America: Twin Cities Chapter (HLAA TC)
The Hearing Loss Association of American (HLAA) is the nation's leading organization representing people with hearing loss.
Website: hlaatc.org
PO Box 26021
Minneapolis, MN 55426
Contact: Christine Morgan, President
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 763.447.9672 (V, TTY, CapTel)
About: Meetings are held on the 3rd Saturday for the months of September through May at the Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute. We gather at 9:30 a.m. to socialize and meetings start at 10 a.m. The Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute is located at 3915 Golden Valley Road in Golden Valley, MN 55422.
Help Me Grow
Help Me Grow has many resources about the development of young children for parents and professionals.
Website: helpmegrowmn.org
Phone: 1.866.693.4769
Email: [email protected]
About: Help Me Grow has many resources about the development of young children for parents and professionals. These resources include information on developmental milestones, YouTube videos, caregiver strategies to support development, screening and evaluation, and how to talk about developmental concerns.
Hope and Healing Family Counseling
Website: hopeandhealingmn.com/
2499 Rice Street Suite 70
Roseville MN 55113
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
Phone: 651.484.4184
Fax: 651.484.4051
Hope and Healing Counseling, LLC (HHFC) is a private practice that provides child-focused, trauma-informed mental health services to children, adolescents and families. We empower our clients through play therapy and other means to express their feelings in productive ways, engage in a journey to healing and feel encouraged to move beyond their difficult situation to healthy choices. parents and caregivers are invited to join us as valuable partners in their child's experience.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Division (DHHS) at the Minnesota Department of Human Services operates this website.
Website: mn.gov/dhs/interpreter-referral
About: It is a valuable source of information about sign language interpreters, how to use them, and how to find them.
Services include: locating a sign language interpreter in Minnesota, locating an interpreter for an emergency, information about how to work with a sign language interpreter, information about services for deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf/blind individuals, and information about federal and state laws related to communication access and interpreters.
Legal Services of Northwest Minnesota (LSNM)
Provides free civil legal help to low-income individuals and families in twenty-two northwest Minnesota counties.
Website: lsnmlaw.org
Alexandria Office:
426 Broadway Street
Alexandria, MN 56308
Phone: 320.762.0663 (V)
Bemidji Office:
215 4th Street Northwest
Bemidji, MN 56601
Phone: 218.751.9201 (V)
Moorhead Office:
1015 7th Avenue North
Moorhead, MN 56560
Phone: 218.233.8585 (V)
About: LSNM serves the following counties: Becker, Beltrami, Clay, Clearwater, Douglas, Grant, Hubbard, Kittson, Lake of the Woods, Mahnomen, Marshall, Norman, Otter Tail, Pennington, Polk, Pope, Red Lake, Roseau, Stevens, Traverse, Wadena and Wilkin.
Merriam Park Branch Library
Merriam Park Branch Library maintains a Deaf and Hard of Hearing Collection of books and DVDs for children and adults.
Website: sppl.org
1831 Marshall Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55104
Phone: 651.642.0385 (V)
651.298.4184 (TTY)
Email: [email protected]
About: Merriam Park Branch Library maintains a Deaf and Hard of Hearing Collection of books and DVDs for children and adults related to such issues as American Sign Language, hearing loss, and Deaf heritage. The library also collaborates with organizations to improve library access for deaf and hard of hearing people.
Library materials are available to anyone with a current library card from a public library in Minnesota, and may also be requested through interlibrary loan through your local library. An online catalog lists the materials in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Collection by title, author, and subject.
Minnesota Academy of Audiology
The Minnesota Academy of Audiology is the hearing and balance authority.
Website: minnesotaaudiology.org
3322 N 92nd St.
Milwaukee, WI 53222
Contact: [email protected]
Phone: 612.470.8191 (V)
About: The Minnesota Academy of Audiology is committed to developing and supporting audiologists. This is accomplished through leadership in legislative advocacy, best practices, high ethical standards and education of members, healthcare professionals and the public.
MAA is primarily a professional organization for audiologists. We provide referral information to individuals and families who need assistance with hearing and balance issues. Other outreach services include low-cost hearing screenings at area health fairs, participation in high school career fairs, and scholarships for high school seniors pursuing post-secondary education.
Minnesota Association of Deaf Citizens, Inc. (MADC)
MADC is a nonprofit organization serving and representing Minnesotans who are deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing.
2000 County Road B2 W
St Paul, MN 55113
Email: [email protected]
About: Services include: advocating for the social, cultural, and economic status of people in Minnesota with hearing loss and protecting their rights as citizens.
Minnesota Chemical Dependency Program for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals
A specialized program designed to meet the communication and cultural needs of deaf and hard of hearing persons.
Website: minnesotarecovery.org
2450 Riverside Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Phone: 800.282.3323 (V)
Phone: 651.964.1427 (VP)
Fax: 612.273.4516
About: The Minnesota Chemical Dependency Program for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals is an intensive outpatient chemical dependency program with lodging located within the University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview, at the Riverside campus in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Specializing in treatment for Deaf and Hard of Hearing persons, The Program has been providing services nationally since 1989.
Our program provides for the needs of Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals in the following ways: our program staff is fluent in American Sign Language (ASL), we are knowledgeable and respectful of Deaf culture, and we have expertise working with Deaf and Hard of Hearing chemically dependent individuals. This allows for direct communication in the client’s native language without a third party having to be present. We provide a full range of professional services in chemical dependency treatment including individual therapy, group therapy and self-contained therapeutic services.
Minnesota DeafBlind Project
A team of dedicated individuals committed to supporting services to children and youth with a combined vision and hearing loss.
Website: dbproject.mn.org
2 Pine Tree Dr., Suite 101
Arden Hills, MN 55112
Phone: 800.848.4905 (Toll Free)
Fax: 612.706.0811
Email: [email protected]
Deanna Rothbauer
Project Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 612.638.1531 (V)
Ann Mayes
Education Specialist
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 612.638.1527 (V)
Brandy Johanson Sebera
Family Engagement Coordinator
Phone: 612.638.1505 (V)
About: Services include: support services for families and school teams, workshops, materials resource center, technical assistance, and training.
Minnesota Department of Education
Improving the well-being of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and families through partnerships and educational programs.
Website: education.state.mn.us/mde/index.html
1500 Highway 36 West
Roseville, MN 55113-4266
Phone: 507.412.5214 (VP)
Email: [email protected]
About: MN Department of Education Early Learning Services
"Help Me Grow” Online Referral (See Help Me Grow Entry)
“Help Me Grow” Toll-Free Information and Referral Telephone Line: 1.866.693.GROW (4769)
Infant and Toddler Intervention Services (Birth through Two years of age) and Preschool Special Education (Three to Five years of age)
Minnesota’s Infant and Toddler Intervention system is a partnership between the Departments of Education, Health and Human Services and families with young children, ages birth to two. The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) oversees this system. Families who have an infant or toddler with developmental delays, disabilities, or certain health conditions work together with local service providers to access services and resources to help their child grow and develop. These services are provided under federal law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Part C of IDEA requires that eligible infants and toddlers and their families have access to services based upon their individual needs.
For children ages birth through two years of age, Infant and Toddler Intervention Services are provided to eligible children and their families through Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSP). Under three years of age, a child who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing is eligible for services with a certain level of diagnosed permanent hearing loss; the child does not need to show any developmental delays. Following an evaluation of the child’s development and discussion of the family’s needs and goals, each family’s IFSP is developed by parents/caregivers and early intervention professionals from a variety of different agencies and support organizations as appropriate to each child.
In addition to ongoing developmental assessments, early intervention may include home visits by early intervention professionals, coordination of services from a variety of agencies, assistive technology, help with accessing county or health services, parent-to-parent support, information about local, state, and national resources—and a host of other family-focused services.
Preschool Special Education Services are provided to eligible children ages three to five years of age through their local public-school districts. The types of educational services and settings provided will vary according to the individual learning needs of each child. Following an evaluation of the child’s development that determines if the child is eligible for special education services, an Individual Education Program (IEP) is written together with the family and frequently reviewed to support the child’s continued learning.
Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing may be eligible for special education support services in their local public school districts specific to their unique learning needs throughout their school years under IDEA.
Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED): Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Assist Minnesotans with disabilities to reach their goals for working and living in the community.
Website: mn.gov/deed/job-seekers/disabilities
540 Fairview Ave N Ste 103
St. Paul, MN 55104
Phone: 651.259.7114 or Greater Minnesota 800.657.3858
Contact: Elise Knopf
Phone: 612.213.3986
Email: [email protected]
About: Parents and families of transition aged youth can find a variety of school and work support and services (e.g. assessment, counseling, career planning, post-secondary training, assistive technology, job placement), delivered through a team of Rehabilitation Counselors serving consumers who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing at various locations.
Minnesota Department of Health Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI)
The newborn hearing screening is the first part of a comprehensive EHDI program at the Minnesota Department of Health.
Newborn Screening Program
Website: Newborn Screening Program - MN Dept. of Health (state.mn.us)
P.O Box 64899
601 North Robert St.
St. Paul, MN 55164-0899
Phone: 651.201.5466 (V)
Toll Free: 800.664.7772 (V)
E-mail: [email protected]
Long Term Follow-up: After Diagnosis
Website: Early Hearing Detection and Intervention - MN Dept. of Health
Children and Youth with Special Health Needs
PO Box 64975
St. Paul, MN 55164-0975
Phone: 651.201.3650 (V)
Toll Free: 800.728.5420 (V)
Fax: 651.201.3655
E-mail: [email protected]
About: Newborn hearing screening is the first part of a comprehensive EHDI program at the Minnesota Department of Health. The Newborn Screening program provides follow-up to ensure that every baby who does not pass hearing screening has timely and appropriate follow-up and audiologic evaluation according to best practice standards. Once identification of hearing loss is confirmed, the Children and Youth with Special Health Needs (CYSHN) program assures that families have access to appropriate and timely intervention, statewide services, and resources. We contract with Minnesota Hands & Voices to provide parent-to-parent support to families of children newly identified with hearing loss.
Minnesota Department of Human Services
The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) oversees publicly funded health care programs.
Website: Deaf and Hard of Hearing / Deaf and Hard of Hearing (mn.gov)
85 East 7th Place
Suite 105
St. Paul , MN 55101
Phone: 651.431.5945 (V)
Phone: 651.964.1514 (VP)
Email: [email protected]
About: Services include: a range of health care, home, and community-based services for individuals, and families meeting income guidelines.
DHS also has several other programs specifically designed for Minnesotans who are deaf or hard of hearing. See separate listings for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services, the Telephone Equipment Distribution Program, and the Minnesota Commission Serving Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing Minnesotans.
Minnesota Disability Law Center
The Minnesota Disability Law Center addresses the unique legal needs of persons with disabilities.
Website: mylegalaid.org
430 First Avenue North, Suite 300
Minneapolis, MN 55401‐1780
Phone: 612.334.5970 (V)
Phone: 800.292.4150 (V - Toll Free)
Email: [email protected]
About: Intake is Monday - Friday from 9:30-11:30 a.m. and 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Services include: free civil legal assistance to individuals with disabilities on legal issues such as abuse and neglect, right violations, habilitation services, special education, access to public services, public accommodation, case management, vocational rehabilitation services, and assistive technology.
Minnesota Low Incidence Projects
Educational services through school districts and the directors of special education for children who have needs that are less common.
Region 1 & 2 Northwest
Contact: Nicole Eck
Region 1 & 2 Director's Association
P.O. Box 974
Bemidji, MN 56619
Phone: 218.751.6622 ext. 41
Fax: 218.751.6625
Email: [email protected]
Region 3 Northeast
Contact: Alicia Jepsen
Northland Learning Center
1201 13th Avenue South
Virginia, MN 55792
Phone: 219.741.9201
Fax: 218.741.5384
Email: [email protected]
Website: northlandsped.org/page/2580
Region 4 West Central
Contact: Jill Skarvold
Lakes Country Service Cooperative
1001 East Mount Faith
Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Phone: 218.770.1112
Fax: 218.739.2459
Email: [email protected]
Website: lcsc.org
Region 5 & 7
Contact: Nan Records
202 12th Street NE
P.O Box 219
Staples, MN 56479
Phone: 612.298.3270
Email: [email protected]
Website: sourcewell-mn.gov
Region 6 & 8 Southwest
Contact: Mary Palmer
Southwest/West Central Service Cooperative
611 SW 5th Street
Willmar, MN 56201
Phone: 320.231.5184
Fax: 320.231.5302
Email: [email protected]
Website: swsc.org
Region 9 South Central
Contact: Erin Toninato
South Central Service Cooperative
2075 Lookout Drive
North Mankato, MN 56003
Phone: 507.389.1914
Fax: 507.389.1772
Email: [email protected]
Website: mnscsc.org
Region 10 Southeast
Contact: Christian Wernau
Region 10 Low Incidence Projects
Zumbro Education District
801 Frontage Road
Byron, MN 55920
Phone: 507.775.2037
Email: [email protected]
Website: region10projects.org
Region 11 Metro
Contact: Ingrid Aasan
Metro Educational Cooperative Service Unit
2 Pine Tree Drive, Suite 101
Arden Hills, MN 55112
Phone: 612.638.1517
Fax: 612.706.0811
Email: [email protected]
Website: metroecsu.org
Low Incidence State-Wide
Contact: Aaron Barnes
Minnesota Department of Education
1500 Highway 36 West
Roseville, MN 55113-4266
Phone: 651.582.8592
Fax: 651.582.8729
TTY: 651.582.8201
Email: [email protected]
Minnesota Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (MRID)
A nonprofit organization of professional interpreters, consumers and interested persons.
Website: mrid.org
PO Box 4414
St. Paul, MN 55104
Email: [email protected]
About: Services include: Provide state/local forums and continuing education opportunities to ensure growth and development of the interpreting profession. Provides information about state interpreting standard practices and acts as platform for community announcements. Collaborates to support relevant legislative action.
Minnesota Relay
A free telecommunications service that allows persons with hearing or speech disabilities to place and receive telephone calls.
Website: mnrelay.org
Office Phone: 651.602.9005 (V)
Office Phone: 651.964.1514 (VP)
To place a Minnesota Relay call, dial: 711 or 1.800.627.3529 (Voice/TTY/ASCII/HCO)
Speech-to-Speech: 1.877.627.3848
Voice Carry Over Direct: 1.877.627.3024
Two-Line Voice Carry Over: 1.866.855.4611
Spanish Relay: 1.877.627.5448
24-hour Customer Service: 1.800.676.3777 (Voice, TTY, ASCII)
Email: [email protected]
About: A specially trained communications assistant (CA) facilitates the telephone conversation between a person with a hearing or speech disability and other individuals. Calls can be made to anywhere in the world (long distance charges apply), 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. All calls are completely confidential.
Minnesota Resource Center: Deaf/Hard of Hearing
A statewide technical assistance resource addressing special education and service for students who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Website: education.state.mn.us/MDE/fam/resctr/
1500 Highway 36 West
Roseville, MN 55113-4266
Phone: 507.412.5214 (VP)
Email: [email protected]
About: The center is part of the Minnesota Department of Education. Services include: technical assistance, workshops, special events, and an advisory committee all focused on improving services for DHH children 0-21.
Minnesota Resource Libraries: Deaf/Hard of Hearing
A statewide library providing information and resources to help families and educators meet the educational needs of Minnesota children and youth who have a hearing and/or vision loss.
615 Olof Hanson Dr.
Faribault, MN 55021
Phone: 507.384.6650 (V)
507.412.8904 (VP)
Email: [email protected]
About: The MN Resource Libraries is a free lending library in the state of MN providing access to a variety of resources for parents, educators, psychologists and other academic related service providers working with children who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing and/or Blind/Visually Impaired.
Merriam Park Library: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Collection
Website: https://sppl.bibliocommons.com/locations
1831 Marshall Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55104
Contact: Alaina Kozma
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651.642.0385 (V)
651.298.4184 (VP)
About: Merriam Park Branch Library maintains a Deaf and Hard of Hearing Collection of books and DVDs for children and adults related to such issues as American Sign Language, hearing loss, and Deaf heritage. The library also collaborates with organizations to improve library access for deaf and hard of hearing people. Library materials are available to anyone with a current library card from a public library in Minnesota, and may also be requested through interlibrary loan through your local library. An online catalog lists the materials in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing collection by title, author, and subject.
Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP)
Website: dcmp.org
About: The DCMP media library has over 4,000 free-loan described and captioned media titles available to registered members, and members can watch media online or order a DVD copy to be shipped to them.
Minnesota Special Education Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Services
Assists student, parents, schools and agencies to resolve conflicts regarding special education issues.
Website: education.state.mn.us
1500 Highway 36 West
Roseville, MN 55113
Contact: Patricia McGinnis
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651.582.8222 (V)
Toll Free: 1.866.466.7367
Fax: 651.582.8498
MN Relay Service: 800.627.3529 (TTY)
About: Services include: mediation and neutral facilitation of education planning meetings – Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP).
Minnesota Speech-Language-Hearing Association
MSHA is a statewide professional organization for audiologists and speech-language pathologists.
Website: mnsha.org
c/o Craven Management Associates
700 McKnight Park Drive, Suite 708
Pittsburg, PA 15237
Phone: 651.290.6292 (V)
855.727.2836 (V)
Email: [email protected]
About: The organization promotes prevention, assessment, and treatment of communication disorders and the study of normal and disordered human communication. Audiologists and speech-language pathologists have completed graduate degrees and may be licensed by the State of Minnesota. The Minnesota Speech-Language-Hearing Association is a recognized state association from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
Services include: consumer referrals, legislative representation, continuing education, networking, newsletter, professional placement, and membership for professionals.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
NAMI Minnesota is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children and adults with mental illnesses and their families.
Website: namimn.org
919 University Avenue West
Suite 400
St. Paul, MN 55104
Phone: 651.645.2948 (V)
Toll free: 1.888.NAMI.Helps (1.888.626.4435)
Fax: 651.645.7379
Email: [email protected]
About: For over 40 years, NAMI Minnesota has worked to promote the development of community mental health programs and services, change public attitudes about mental illnesses, improve access to services and increase opportunities for recovery.
Parent Advocacy Coalition for Education Rights (PACER) Center
PACER focuses on educational rights, with programs addressing special needs for all stages of childhood and all disabilities.
Website: pacer.org
8161 Normandale Boulevard
Minneapolis, MN 55437-1044
Phone: 952.838.9000 (V)
Toll Free: 800.53.PACER
Email: [email protected]
About: PACER operates on the principles of parents helping parents, supporting families, promoting a safe environment for all children, and working in collaboration with others.
PACER’s mission is to “expand opportunities and enhance the quality of life of children, youth, and young adults with all disabilities and their families, so each person can reach his or her highest potential.
Services include: staff support to answer questions and offer one-on-one help, publications, puppet programs for elementary students, workshops for parents and professionals, legislative information, and web-based resources. Programs cover a wide variety of topics such as early childhood, bullying prevention, transition planning, multicultural services, health, and assistive technology.
Regions Hospital Health and Wellness Program
Part of the Behavioral Health Department at Regions Hospital serving deaf and hard of hearing people.
Website: healthpartners.com/care/hospitals/regi...
3900 Northwoods Dr.
Suite 330
Arden Hills, Minnesota 55112
Phone: 651.787.9600
Contact: Kristen Swan
Email: [email protected]
(non-secure email; clients are encouraged to use online services for email through the HealthPartners portal system)
Contact number: 651.787.9612
About: We have specially trained and experienced staff that provide mental health services to deaf, deafblind and hard
of hearing people of all ages. The staff is fluent in American Sign Language and experienced in understanding
the unique physical and mental health needs of deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing people. Our goal is to help
you feel empowered.
Services Include: Comprehensive outpatient mental health services for individuals, families and couples.
Psycho-diagnostic evaluation. Inpatient mental health treatment with interpreters. Emotional and behavioral
treatment for children and adolescents. Community consultation, education and training. Hard of hearing
support groups. Remote access psychotherapy
Saint Paul College - American Sign Language
Offers a variety of American Sign Language classes, an American Sign Language Studies Certificate and a Sign Language Interpreter/Transliteration AAS Degree Program.
Website: saintpaul.edu
235 Marshall Ave
St. Paul MN, 55102
Phone: 652.846.1607 (V)
Contact for American Sign Language Studies Certificate: Rania Johnson
Email: [email protected]
Contact for Sign Language Interpreter/Transliterator AAS Degree: Linda Gill
Email: [email protected]
Services include: American Sign Language classes levels one through five; classes related to specific aspects of ASL and Deaf culture; and sign interpreter/transliterator preparation. Classes are available day and evening, offering convenient and affordable options for parents and adult family members seeking ASL instruction.
St. Catherine University
A liberal arts university that offers ASL and interpreting programs.
Website: ASL/Interpreting Department | St. Catherine University (stkate.edu)
ASL & Interpreting Department
2004 Randolph Avenue #4291
St. Paul, MN 55105
Phone: 651.690.6945 (V)
651.964.1431 (VP)
Email: [email protected]
About: St. Catherine University is a liberal arts university. ASL and interpreting classes are offered as part of the ASL and Interpreting major programs, although many non-majors take ASL to fulfill their foreign language requirement. The university has a unique focus on health care interpreting, and provides resources related to Deaf/Blind and educational interpreting.
Services include: ASL classes and information about health care interpreting.
For admissions and financial aid information:
(651) 690-6933 or (800) 945-4599
[email protected]
St. Paul/Minneapolis Black Deaf Advocates, Chapter 25
The first and largest consumer organization for deaf and hard of hearing people of color.
Website: nbda.org
1415 Jessamine Ave W #211
St. Paul, MN 55108
Contact: Cookie J. Brand
Email: [email protected]
About: The National BDA was established in the United States and Minnesota BDA was founded in 1997. It has “an active and motivated membership who meets monthly in the public library across from Thompson Hall.”
Services include: advocacy, membership, and social activities.
Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services (SMRLS)
Provides free, high-quality legal help to low-income people in critical civil matters.
Website: smrls.org
Phone: 877.696.6529 (V)
About: For 113 years, we’ve helped individuals and families secure and protect their basic needs, maintaining freedom from hunger, homelessness, sickness, and abuse. Because, justice matters. Education Law Advocacy Project (ELAP) is a program of SMRLS and can assist families with a range of issues related to educational settings.
ELAP Phone: 651.291.2837 (V)
Telephone Equipment Distribution (TED) Program
Provides specialized telephone equipment to eligible deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, speech and physically disabled persons.
Website: mn.gov/dhs/ted-program
444 Lafayette Road N.
St. Paul, MN 55155-3814
Phone: 800.657.3663 (V)
888.206.6555 (TTY)
651.964.1514 (VP)
Email: [email protected]
About: To see if you qualify for the program, call the number listed above and they will send you an application. TED Program regional specialists assist qualified individuals in getting the equipment they need. They also provide free presentations to agencies. The TED program is operated through the regional offices of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS) Division. See separate listings for more information about DHHS and the Minnesota Department of Human Services.
The equipment is on long-term loan from the State of Minnesota. Telephone equipment loaned out include amplified corded and cordless phone, CapTel phones (a telephone that uses a speech recognition software to provide captioning to the user), light flashing ring signalers, amplified telephones, loud ringers, hands-free speaker phones, TTYs/TDDs, large visual display TTYs, and Braille phones.
Therapeutic Services Agency (TSA)
Offers highly effective, culturally affirmative mental health services to children and adolescents (birth to 22 years old), who are deaf, deafblind or hard of hearing and who are experiencing difficulties due to emotional or behavioral problems.
Website: hoperealized.com/programs-services/deaf-and-hard-of-hearing
220 Railroad St. SE
Pine City, MN 55063
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 320.629.7600 Ext. 7921
Fax: 651.925.0071
TSA therapists in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program have extensive knowledge about the specific mental, physical, emotional or behavioral problems, and communication needs of children (birth to 22) who are deaf, deafblind, or hard of hearing. They understand how these needs may increase anxiety, influence behavior, family life, social relationship, and school performances. The therapists are fluent in ASL and they are familiar with Deaf culture.
Services include: Psychological Assessment, Individual Psychotherapy, Family Psychotherapy, Individual Skills, Family Skills, Psychoeducational Services, and Rehabilitative Services (CTSS). Services can be provided at school, home, private rooms in community spaces. Telehealth videos conferencing may be available. In addition, we have offices in Duluth, Moorhead, and Mankato.
Fees can be billed to Medical Assistance, PMAP, or most major insurance plans. For children who are uninsured or uninsured., grant funds may be available. TSA receives grant support from the Minnesota Department of Human Services- Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Division.
Minnesota Deaf Adult Education and Advocacy
Website: thinkself.org
2375 University Ave W
Suite 110
St. Paul, MN 55114
(see website for other locations)
Email: [email protected]
Education: Accessible and culturally appropriate bilingual education in American Sign Language and English for Minnesota's deaf adults.
VP: 651.243.4709
Voice: 651.405.4472
Email: [email protected]
Advocacy: Statewide support and resources to end the cycle of violence and create a healthier Deaf, DeafBlind, and hard of hearing community.
VP: (651) 829-9089
Email: [email protected]
FaceTime 651.280.7878
University of Minnesota Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
Provides a range of hearing services for children and adults of all ages with communication impairments associated with hearing loss.
Website: slhs.umn.edu
University of Minnesota
115 Shevlin Hall
164 Pillsbury Drive S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0279
Phone: 612.624.3322 (V)
Email: [email protected]
About: A sliding fee scale is available for families with documented financial need.
Services include: hearing evaluations, hearing aid/assistive listening device evaluation and dispensing, individual speech and language assessment and therapy, auditory therapy, parent discussion, and support groups.
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Time.
Volunteers of America - MN Mental Health Clinics
Offers culturally competent, high-quality mental health services for children, adolescents and their families.
Website: voamnwi.org/dhh-mental-health
Phone: 763.326.4255 (V)
612.326.4255 (VP)
Email: [email protected]
About: These services may take place in the clinic office, school or home setting and are individualized to meet the unique needs of each child and their family. Our team of professionals who work with deaf, deafblind, and hard of hearing children are fluent in sign language and knowledgeable about Deaf Culture. Treatment is designed with an understanding of the impact hearing loss has on social, emotional, and cognitive development and is provided in the language/communication mode that is most comfortable for the child and family.
The Clinics’ multidisciplinary team of professional staff focus on helping children, adolescents and their families’ cope with and manage emotional/behavior problems and disturbances, depression, anxiety, ADHD, parent/child conflict, grief and loss issues, attachment issues, trauma etc. In addition, our team has specialized expertise to meet the mental health needs of children and adolescents who are living in foster care, returning home from out-of-home placement, as well as culturally and language specific services for those who are deaf/hard of hearing, deaf blind or people with vision loss.
Professional mental health services include psychiatric assessment, evaluation and services; medication management; psychological assessment and psychological testing; individual psychotherapy; family psychotherapy; group psychotherapy; group counseling; and family and parent education.