About Us

About Us

Deaf and hard of hearing support Minnesota Hands & Voices team grouped together and smiling.

Minnesota Hands & Voices is a community of families with children who are deaf and hard of hearing. Our staff are themselves parents of wonderful children who are deaf and hard of hearing. Together, we share the same emotions, decisions, and questions as the families we serve across the state. And, we know this – there are no limits to your child’s potential.

You, as parents, know what is best for your child. We’re here alongside you to provide information and share resources, helping you explore the full range of choices to find those that work best for your family. 


Our Mission

Minnesota Hands & Voices is dedicated to supporting families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing without a bias around communication modes or methodology. We're a parent-driven, non-profit organization providing families with the resources, networks, and information they need to improve communication access and educational outcomes for their children. Our outreach activities, parent/professional collaboration, and advocacy efforts are focused on enabling deaf or hard of hearing children to reach their highest potential.


Our Values

  • We all want the best for our children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
  • We deserve respect and honor for our role as parents/families.
  • We require a beneficial, successful educational experience for our kids.
  • We need information from a wide variety of sources.
  • We want to know about opportunities and resources.
  • We need training and support to become effective advocates for our kids.
  • We are stronger united by our common interests than divided by differing communication choices.
  • We must lend our organized support to all kinds of efforts that promote our common interests--strength in numbers!