Mary Stadelman

Mary joined our MNH&V team as a Metro Parent Guide in 2018, left in 2020 for other pursuits, then rejoined the team in 2023. However, her work history with MNH&V dates back more than a decade when she was hired to write, edit, and produce the FOCUS Newsletter along with designing various other flyers, brochures, and promotional materials.
Mary and her husband have five adult children; the older four have typical hearing and the youngest was born with bilateral profound deafness. The youngest was born in 2001 just before hospitals were required to do newborn hearing screenings. This resulted in her child being late identified as deaf at 15 months old. Today her youngest is in college, hard at work, just like all her older children had done.
For many years Mary worked in area schools as a DHH preschool program assistant and Deafblind Intervener. She continues to work as a Community Deafblind Intervener a few evenings during the week and for special events. In addition, she still does graphic design work on a project-to-project basis.
As a Metro Parent Guide, combined with her other work and projects, Mary’s workweek is full of variety and interest. In her spare time Mary enjoys her large growing family, hiking, camping, art activities, teatime, rock hounding, yard work, “power hours”, fidget toys, Saturday sister chats, coffee, audiobooks, Sudoku, collecting random things, organizing, and volunteering.