Financial Choice: A Financial Well-being Benefit Program

Financial Choice for Organizations

Faces of professionalsCustomized Tools & Solutions

For one set annual fee, LSS Financial Counseling can provide this financial wellness service tailored to suit your business, credit union, government agency, county, bank, First Nations Community, nonprofit or organization (community-based, faith-based or higher education).

When individuals are worried about their personal finances, it affects other areas of their lives including their work. Our customized Financial Choice plans allow organizations to support their employees, customers or members with:

Financial Education Classes & Workshops

Organizations can receive multiple financial education sessions each year. Our trained educators will present on your behalf to your employees, customers or members. We offer more than 20 different workshops covering all areas of financial wellness. This is offered in person throughout Minnesota and via webinars nationwide. Each engaging and interactive session is shaped by your audience areas of interest, and may be done through business development “lunch and learns” or added to your existing customer/member events.

Financial Counseling Sessions

Your employees, customers or members each receive up to six sessions per year of financial counseling at no charge to them. They can choose from budget counseling, credit report review, student loan counseling or housing counseling.


We offer in-person counseling at many of our locations.

To support your organization in introducing and utilizing this benefit, we also provide:

  • A dedicated partner relations manager.
  • Integration of financial wellness into your employee benefit plan.
  • Sample content for you to use in communications (such as in emails and on social media).
  • A co-branded webpage with your logo that you can share with your audience.


Why Choose LSS Financial Counseling Service?

LSS Financial Counseling brings more than three decades of experience. Our counselors are trained and NFCC-certified as Consumer Credit Counselors, Student Loan Counselors and Housing Counselors to offer a holistic approach to financial problems. Since 2007, our Financial Choice partners’ employees and members have paid off millions of dollars in debt and laid the groundwork for a secure financial future.

Meet Our Financial Choice Team

Our Partner Relations Specialists are Certified Financial Counselors with extensive knowledge and experience in financial wellness.

Request a Proposal Today

We offer competitive and customized pricing to fit your budget. Learn how Financial Choice can benefit your organization and your customers or members.

Call 888.577.2227 or email us to learn more and get started.