Four Cornerstones of Financial Wellness Workshop Series

Custom Financial Education WorkshopFour Cornerstones of Financial Wellness Workshop Series

At LSS Financial Counseling, we recognize that everyone has unique life experiences, values, perspectives and skill levels when it comes to money.

We offer a free workshop series designed to increase your financial knowledge, build your financial confidence, and provide tools for you to achieve or improve your financial wellness.

Each workshop is led by a trusted, certified financial counselor and includes meaningful interactive activities and discussions.

Our workshop series includes the following financial cornerstone classes.

Cornerstone One: Budgeting to Create Savings

You will learn how to:

  • Set financial goals.
  • Gather your data.
  • Create a spending plan.
  • Successfully build savings.

Cornerstone Two: Debt Reduction & Asset Building

You will learn:

  • Effective strategies to pay down debt.
  • How to build wealth through assets.
  • Concepts to help you get rich slowly.

Cornerstone Three: Building a Good Credit Rating

You will learn:

  • About the relationship between your credit report and score.
  • The factors that go into credit score.
  • Your rights, and steps to take to establish or rebuild credit.

Cornerstone Four: Consumer Protections & Financial Institutions

You will learn how to:

  • Keep your money safe.
  • Avoid predatory lending practices.
  • Identify the types of insurance you need.
  • Protect yourself from scams and identity theft.

Workshop Series

Registration is required.

Class sizes are limited so register today!

October 9-30 (Wednesdays Only)


Wednesdays Only

4:30-6:30 p.m.

Register Now

November 1 & 8

Cummins Power Generation 
1400 73rd Ave. NE 
Fridley, MN 55432 

9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Register Now

January 22-February 12 (Wednesdays Only)


Wednesdays Only

4:30-6:30 p.m.

Register Now


These workshops are sponsored by Cummins.