Productive things to do [instead of spending money]
Sometimes it seems like to have any fun, you have to spend money. Going out to dinner or a movie, grabbing a coffee, happy hour with friends — it can add up quickly. However, if you’re trying to save up for a goal or pay down debt, a good habit to start is to find productive things to do to avoid spending money. Here’s the list.
Acts of service category:
- Donate your time to another local charity that you’d like to support.
- Help walk the dogs at your local animal shelter.
- Volunteer at a local food shelf.
Exercise category:
- Find a free YouTube video, and do some yoga, kickboxing, dance class, etc.
- Take your dog, kids, partner or friend for a walk or hike.
Financial category:
- Have a change jar? Bring it to the bank, and deposit the change into emergency savings. If there’s not enough change in it, brainstorm ways you can add to the jar and/or savings in general.
- Pull your credit report (for free) from AnnualCreditReport.com, and review it for accuracy.
- Think about what you want to accomplish this year, and write down a financial goal, such as paying down debt, saving for a vacation, creating emergency savings, etc.
- Write down (or use Excel or a free/safe app) all your expenses and income to see if you need to make any adjustments to spending.
Food category:
- Pack your lunch for the next day.
- Prepare meals for the next week.
House/apartment category:
- Clean out that junk drawer.
- Clean out your freezer or refrigerator.
- Declutter and sell items online, or plan a garage/yard sale.
- Go through your clothes, and create donate, keep and toss piles to clean out your closet. If you have anything you haven’t worn in more than a year, consider donating it if it’s in good condition; if it’s not, toss it.
- Make a list of chores or other tasks that you need to complete around the house.
- Tackle one of the items on your chore/task list.
People category:
- Call a relative or friend you haven't talked with in a while, and do a little cleaning or take a walk while you talk.
- Do some baking with your kids, friends, neighbors or whoever is the best baker. 😉
- Do an art project with someone. Pinterest has a ton of ideas if you need inspiration.
- Write an actual letter to someone who lives far away. They will love getting that in the mail…and you might have fun writing it, too!
Phone/email/mail category:
- Declutter your inbox by deleting spam, trash and emails in your inbox you don’t need. Set up folders, and move emails into those folders for emails you need to keep.
- Switch to paperless billing for anything you’re still receiving in paper form. Set up automatic payments online for any you haven't set up yet.
- Unsubscribe from emails you don't need.
Self-care category:
- Meditate.
- Play games that are good for your brain, such as Sudoku, other brainteasers or a puzzle.
- Take a bath.
Some of the tasks listed above might not leave you feeling accomplished or productive, but to me being productive can mean taking care of yourself or others, too. If you are constantly busy and rarely have downtime, self-care is important. Connecting with nature and people can also be inspirational and give you more energy to get those tasks done that you just don’t want to do. So, feel free to use this list, or create your own. Regardless of what you decide, you can do a ton of different things without spending a lot of money.
Are you looking for more support to achieve your financial goals or pay down debt? LSS Financial Counseling is here for you. Call 888.577.2227 for your free session with one of our certified financial counselors, or get started by creating your online financial profile. Your financial counselor can help you create a budget, review your credit report, and even work with you on an individualized plan to reach your goals. Don’t wait — take advantage of this free support today!
Author Elaina Johannessen is a program director for Debt Management Plan operations with LSS Financial Counseling.