
October 2022 News

Oct 4
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota recognized 98 honorees with the prestigious 2022 Spirit Award at a special online celebration. The award honors employees who demonstrate outstanding commitment and dedication to the vision and mission of the statewide organization. Honorees are nominated by their supervisors.

September 2022 News

Sep 24

Trevor Johnson, LSS Senior Director of Behavioral Health, discusses children’s mental health coming out of the pandemic, the transition to school, expanded funding for school-linked services, suicide awareness and how to connect with mental health services. Listen to the interview to learn more.


Sep 18

Newly released U.S. Census numbers show a steep drop in child poverty over the past three decades, the Star Tribune reported. Officials credit policy changes and an important safety net of services. “Social investment is needed to ensure that kids can thrive,” said Maureen Warren, senior vice president at LSS. Read the story.

Sep 2
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government put a pause on federal student loan payments — also known as a forbearance — beginning with the passage of the federal CARES Act in March 2020. Forbearance has since been extended through December 31, 2022. With student loan payments resuming in 2023, LSS Financial Counseling can assist student loan borrowers with understanding their repayment options—at no cost to them. Because each individual has a unique situation, we work to develop the best solution for making payments achievable and getting back into good standing if someone has defaulted on a loan.

August 2022 News

Aug 23

While it’s mid-summer, we are already gearing up for a busy fall school season!  Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota is seeking volunteers for its Foster Grandparent program. These special volunteers are older adults who play a vital role mentoring children and youth in the classroom and other settings who may be experiencing academic or social challenges. Learn more by listening to this KTIS Radio interview.

July 2022 News

Jul 29

Camp Knutson, offering an unforgettable week at camp for children with Autism, Down Syndrome, severe skin disorders and other fragile health conditions, invites the community to its 36th Annual Quilt Auction on Saturday, August 13 in Crosslake, Minn., featuring handcrafted quilts, camp counselors dressed in costumes and concessions amidst the lively auction. Online bidding available. Listen here to learn more!