Student Loan Debt

Get Back on Track with Student Loans

Woman at schoolHaving trouble paying off your student loan debt, understanding your student loan repayment options or wondering if you qualify for student loan forgiveness programs?

Whether you are in school right now, in the process of paying off your loans, or helping someone else with their student loans, we are here to guide you through the available student loan repayment options and assist you with developing a plan to achieve financial wellness.

Our National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) certified student loan counselors offer guidance for federal student loans, state student loans, private student loans and student loan forgiveness programs. This includes seeing if you are eligible for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF) and talking about repayment plan options such as time-based and income-driven repayment plans. Without a plan, it can take years or decades to repay student loans and the interest accrued.

Please note: Our Student Loan Services are only offered in Minnesota.

How an LSS Student Loan Counselor Can Assist

Our trusted nonprofit student loan counselors can assist in two ways: by providing free expert advice for student loan repayment and making sure you are aware of available resources to help ease the burden.

Our student loan counselors will:

  • Explore student loan repayment options for all student loans and your potential solutions.
  • Determine your eligibility for federal student loan repayment programs and loan forgiveness programs.
  • Support you with a holistic approach and creating a budget to cover monthly expenses, including student loan payments.
  • Work with you to contact private lenders to determine possible student loan repayment solutions.
  • Help you come up with a plan to avoid default and the related consequences.
  • Work with you to bring your student loans current if you’ve fallen behind on payments or are in default.
  • Create an individualized action plan to help you regain control of your finances.


Testimonials & Resources

Learn more about how we can assist you through some testimonials and additional resources. 


What Do I Need for Counseling?

In order for your financial counseling session to be most productive, it is helpful to have the following information available:

  • Your monthly income.
  • Typical monthly expenses.
  • Statements from your creditors.
  • Any other information you believe would be helpful in understanding your financial situation.

Don't have everything? Don't worry. Call us and we help guide you through the process.

Get Started Today

Our free and confidential Student Loan Services are available for Minnesota residents by phone or virtually. We also offer in-person appointments across Minnesota.

We have counselors who are fluent in Spanish and Hmong. In addition, American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation is available as needed.

Get Started




LSS Financial Counseling