Refugee Services
Services for Refugees

Services for Refugees

Refugee Family

Lutheran Social Service of MN Refugee Services is empowered through Congressional legislation to provide the following services to individuals with certain humanitarian statuses, as laid out by the Office of Refugee Resettlement. Exact eligibility for each program varies depending on an individual’s status upon entry into the United States, country of origin, date of arrival, date of achieving asylum (if applicable), among other criteria.


Employment Services

We offer variety of services to help refugees and asylees achieve job placements and upgrades within the first 5 years of arrival in the United States.


Immigration Services

We offer Immigration Legal Services for refugees, asylees and other immigrants living in the Twin Cities and St. Cloud.


Intensive Case Management (ICM)

For individuals who face additional challenges to achieving self-sufficiency, we provide additional case management to help them connect to resources.