
October 2023 News

Oct 24

A new preschool will be opening next fall on St. Paul’s East Side that will offer an extra measure of support to parents and additional care and attention in the classroom to empower children with developmental delays and emotional challenges to be successful in the learning and social environment of a school. 

September 2023 News

Sep 4

Kim Miller with LSS Financial Counseling appeared on KARE TV’s Your Money show to share the ins and outs of the SAVE Plan, a new option that allows student loan borrowers to base their payment on income and family size, which can significantly reduce monthly payments, and sometimes reduce them to zero. Check out this story!

August 2023 News

Aug 31
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota recognized 85 honorees from across the organization with the prestigious 2023 Spirit Award at a luncheon celebration in St. Cloud, Minn. on August 15. The award honors employees, nominated by their supervisors, who demonstrate outstanding commitment and dedication to the vision and mission of the organization.
Aug 29

As students head back to school this fall, Foster Grandparents are needed! These special volunteers offer a caring presence and support to help students boost their confidence and academic success. In a recent radio interview, Carolyn Scherer with LSS shared the joys, rewards and benefits of becoming a Foster Grandparent. She also highlighted the need for Senior Companions who serve as a friendly visitor to older adults and help them with errands. Learn more and tune in! 

Aug 16

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota, or LSS, is seeking Foster Grandparent volunteers in communities statewide to provide one-to-one mentoring and tutoring for children and youth in the classroom and other settings. “So many children just need a little attention and understanding to make a positive difference in their day. When I volunteer, I know that I have made a difference in their lives,” said Roberta Klekotka, a foster grandparent.