Donate Items

Support LSS Services by Giving Needed Items

Your support makes it possible for LSS to reach one in 65 Minnesotans. Gifts-in-kind are goods and services that individuals, families, congregations, businesses or community groups can donate directly to LSS. In order to acknowledge and receipt your in-kind gift(s), please complete this e-form (printable form here) at the time of your donation.  

We Do Not Accept

Please note that we do not accept the following items:

  • Used clothing.
  • Used sleeping bags.
  • Used duffle bags.
  • Used backpacks.
  • Furniture.
  • Baby equipment (such as high-chairs, car seats and pack and plays).
  • Game equipment (like pool tables).
  • Wheelchairs.
  • Luggage.
  • Vehicles.


Items We Accept

Our services benefit most from donations of specific, requested items and cash donations. Please see the items needed below by region.

Some programs below feature online registries, which offer you the convenient option to purchase items through a vendor who will deliver the items directly to programs. Other services have wish lists on our website. These lists contain frequently needed items and identify a contact who can coordinate where you can deliver items. Both options are offered completely contact-free.

East Central Minnesota

Housing Services

Housing Services works with clients in need to develop a housing plan, find and obtain suitable housing.

Pathways 4 Youth

Pathways 4 Youth is a youth resource center for youth ages 16 through 24 experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Our services support youth on their path to growth.

St. Cloud Area Crisis Nursery

The Crisis Nursery is here to help families through stressful situations by placing children ages 0-12 with licensed providers in St. Cloud. All items go to the families as well as our licensed providers, so they can care well for the children.

Wright County Area Crisis Nursery

The Crisis Nursery is here to help families through stressful situations by placing children ages 0-12 with licensed providers in Wright County. All items go to the families as well as our licensed providers, so they can care well for the children.


Northeast Minnesota

Duluth Homeless Youth and Family Services

LSS has multiple service sites in Northeast Minnesota that support youth and families. Items donated through the registry will be distributed to the location with an immediate need.

Duluth Center for

 Changing Lives

LSS Center for Changing Lives in Duluth supports youth and families participating in residential and community-based programs.

Duluth Crisis Nursery

When crisis strikes, families may suddenly need 24-hour emergency childcare. Diapers and other baby care products are always needed and appreciated.


South Central Minnesota

Mankato Area Crisis Nursery

Keeping children safe and promoting child and family well-being are the primary goals of the Mankato Area Crisis Nursery. Please be a part of the village needed to raise a child by donating items our families often cannot afford.  These donations will be distributed to new and current Crisis Nursery families. 

The REACH Resource Center

Mankato: Whether they need help finding a job, a home, access to services, applying to college or a nutritious meal, The REACH is there for youth in Mankato. You can support them by donating frequently needed items like food and household supplies.


Southeast Minnesota

Rochester Youth Services

Rochester: We offer resources for youth ages 16-24 who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Our services include an emergency youth hotline, youth resource center, services to improve independent living skills, exploitation and sex trafficking prevention and education, host homes for youth, transitional housing, a peer support group, Youth Leadership Council, and street outreach.


Twin Cities Metro


Saint Paul: 16 and 17-year-old mothers and their children often come to LifeHaven with only the clothes on their backs. Welcome Baskets help them feel at home while providing basic care supplies.

Metro Homeless Youth

Minneapolis & Saint Paul: Youth who are experiencing or at-risk of homelessness are eligible for transitional housing through LSS. You can support their new start by collecting household essentials that make their new apartment feel like home.

Metro Youth & Family Services

Minneapolis & Saint Paul: Our mission at Metro Youth & Family Services is to keep our young people safe, healthy, and thriving in their communities and families.

Refugee Services

Minneapolis & Saint Paul: Refugee Services provides support to refugees and immigrants in Minnesota. These donations will help families as they start anew after losing nearly everything to violence and persecution. 

Rezek House

Saint Paul: Rezek House provides transitional housing and resources to build independent living skills to youth ages 16 to 21 who are experiencing homelessness. You can provide youth the necessities to maintain safe and healthy home.

Safe House

Saint Paul: Safe House provides youth experiencing homelessness a safe place to stay, nourishing meals and caring staff who offer active support. Your donations help us create a welcoming and supportive environment for youth, where they feel respected and heard.

Street Outreach/StreetWorks

Multiple locations: Street outreach workers extend confidential, nonjudgmental support to homeless and runaway youth. You can equip them with items they need like winter clothing and hygiene products.



Foster Care

Multiple locations: Foster families open their hearts and homes to children in need of temporary care. You can help them provide a welcoming environment by supplying commonly needed items.

People with Disabilities

Brainerd, Faribault, LeRoy & Red Wing: People with disabilities need support to set and accomplish their own goals and participate in community life. Your donations help LSS offer them a comfortable, life-enriching home environment.


Volunteer Services
